Tim Hadcock-Mackay tries to bring some order to the home of a woman who wants everything done for her. Shellie expects husband Ray to wait on her hand and foot and will ring him on his mobile rather than walk downstairs to talk to him. The Hotelier studies the time management of the household and tries to break Shellie out of the habits of a lifetime.
Hotelier Tim Hadcock-Mackay tries to instill some order into a home where the children are always watching TV while their unemployed father keeps a collection of planks in the living room. Meanwhile, his wife works 60 hours a week trying to keep on top of things. Tim and time-and-motion expert Dr John Mapes set about instilling some degree of organisation into this ramshackle household
Hotelier Tim Hadcock-Mackay comes to the aid of a Hereford couple running a minicab firm who never eat at home and rarely see their six children. With the aid of time-and-motion analysis, Tim is able to make a window in their schedule to keep their house tidy and spend time as a family.
Tim Hadcock-Mackay comes to the aid of a banker who is scrupulously organised at work but at home lives the life of a perpetual student, with a room full of rubbish, a bath held together with gaffer tape and a partially decorated hallway. However, his three lodgers and girlfriend have decided enough is enough, and challenge the expert to whip him into shape.
Hotelier Tim Hadcock-Mackay comes to the aid of a couple who face a daily struggle getting their four children ready for school on time and rarely have a moment to themselves to do the housework. Tim sets about analysing their unruly routine, and is shocked to discover they spend 10 hours a week looking for things that have got lost in the clutter.