The first half of the movie retells the events of the first two episodes of the TV series with a few additional scenes. Following the events of the second episode, Kotetsu tries to arrange a get together for Barnaby to get along with the other heroes, which ultimately fails due to them considering themselves rivals on Hero TV. The heroes are soon called in to chase after a thief named Robin Baxter, who has stolen a statue that represents the importance of heroes. The heroes chase after him into an amusement park but find him near-impossible to catch due to his NEXT ability, leading to infighting among the heroes. As Robin heads towards the observation deck, where he could use his power to escape, Barnaby gets the idea that allows him to catch Robin. The next day, Barnaby learns that it was Kotetsu who helped convince the other heroes to let Barnaby go on his own as he trusted him.
After the crisis is over, Kotetsu is forced to treat the other heroes to another hangout as repayment for asking them to let Barnaby capture the criminal.
そのために大きな役割を果たしているのが、NEXT能力を使い街の平和を守るヒーロー。ヒーローたちはただ平和を守っているだけではない。彼らにも生活があり、スポーツ選手のように企業のヒーロー事業部に属し、スポンサー企業のロゴを背負って、事件解決や人命救助に奔走する。その様子は人気TV番組「HERO TV」で中継され、働きに応じて加算されるヒーローポイントで決まる年間ランキングを競っている。
谁也不曾想到,在科技高度发达的未来城市休特尔比尔特,曾受到歧视的Next族群竟然可发展成依靠超能力为生的超人群体。他们身上贴满广告商的商标,以极其华丽、夸张的拿手绝活擒拿扰乱城市的歹徒,其潇洒身姿通过摄像机传到城市每一个角落。鲁莽的Wild Tiger镝木·T·虎彻(平田广明 配音)是这群超人中的一员,但是出道十年的他正面临被时代淘汰的命运。某天,帅气勇猛的新生代超人巴纳比·布鲁克斯·Jr.(森田成一 配音)加入进来,更让虎彻感受到前所未有的压力。
일본 박스오피스를 뒤흔든
애니메이션판 팀이 온다!
TV생중계로 펼쳐지는 액션영웅들의 활약!
세상을 구할 NEXT 슈퍼 히어로는 누가 될 것인가!
평범한 인간과 NEXT(초능력자)가 더불어 살아가는 거대 미래도시 슈테른빌트.
NEXT 중에서도 최고의 기량을 뽐내는 8명의 슈퍼 히어로가
스폰서 기업에 속하여 도시의 안전을 지키고 있다.
그들의 액션 활약상은 최고의 인기 프로그램 HERO TV를 통해 생중계되고,
매 시즌 최고의 성과를 보여준 히어로가 킹 오브 히어로로 선출된다.
그러던 어느 날, 평화의 상징인 ‘정의의 조각상’이 초능력을 악용하는
정체 불명의 NEXT에 의해 도난 당하게 되는데…
In der Stadt Sternbild leben die »Next«: Superhelden mit speziellen Fähigkeiten. Diese Helden lösen Fälle und retten Leben, um gesponsert zu werden oder »Heldenpunkte« zu sammeln und ihre Taten werden durch das beliebte Programm »Hero TV« dokumentiert, das jährlich den »König der Helden« auswählt.
Der altgediente Held Wild Tiger zog es stets vor, alleine zu arbeiten, aber nun wurde ihm ein Anfänger namens Barnaby Brooks Jr. zugeteilt, der eine andere Ansicht über das Superheldendasein hat.