Sky High verliebt sich in eine Frau, die er im Park kennenlernt, und bittet Fire Emblem, Blue Rose und Dragon Kid um Rat in Liebesdingen.
Having been overtaken by Barnaby in the rankings, Keith starts feeling he is past his prime. Whilst walking through the park, he comes across a strange girl named Cis. When Karina, Nathan and Pao-Lin hear that he is supposedly in love with her, they start giving him advice which falls flat. Meanwhile, Kotetsu's former boss, Ben Jackson (now a cab driver), grows concerned when he hears of Kotetsu's increasing powers. After Cis is picked up by a strange man, she goes out of control when she witnesses a billboard of Kotetsu and Barnaby, bringing the two into the fight. Cis is revealed to be an android built by the man, Rotwang, who worked for Barnaby's parents. As Kotetsu's powers run out early again, Keith, who was somehow encouraged by Cis, appears and manages to destroy the android, not realising who it was. Afterwards, Kotetsu is called out by Ben, who tells him his power may soon disappear.
Keith (Sky High) déprime d'être descendu dans le classement, tandis que Kotetsu et Barnaby sont sans cesse sous les projecteurs, sollicité par la télévision, la publicité, conférences etc. Cela agace d'ailleurs Kotetsu qui n'aime guère l'idée d'être plus une starlette qu'un héros. En se baladant dans la rue seul, Keith rencontre une jeune femme qui ne le laisse pas insensible. Mais cette dernière semble froide à son égard.
킹 오브 히어로 스카이 하이는 최근 타이거 바나비 콤비의 활약에 2위로 밀려나고 만다. 부진한 성적에 자신감 마저 없어진 스카이 하이는 애견 존과 복잡한 마음으로 공원을 산책하는데... 그리고 그곳에서 넥스트로 보이는 한 소녀와 만나게 된다.
Quando Sky High si innamora di una donna incontrata in un parco, si rivolge a Fire Emblem, Blue Rose e Dragon Kid per avere consigli su come conoscerla meglio.
Sky High se enamora de una mujer que conoce en un parque y recurre a Fire Emblem, Blue Rose y Dragon Kid para que lo aconsejen sobre cómo acercarse a ella.
Quando Sky High se apaixona por uma mulher que conheceu num parque, decide pedir conselhos amorosos para Fire Emblem, Blue Rose e Dragon Kid.