Leo muss noch die letzte Prüfung bestehen, bevor er als Herr der Thunder Cats gesalbt werden kann. Allein und unbewaffnet soll er den Kampf gegen das Böse, gegen Mumion selbst, antreten.
Finally, to prove that Lion-O is worthy to be the Lord of the Thundercats, he must defeat his worst enemy. Mumm-Ra. He manages to find a way into Mumm-Ra's tomb, and defeats him by throwing his coffin into the evil cauldrum. This is the first time that Lion-O really defeats Mumm-Ra.
Para poder completar las pruebas de unción y ser coronado como el Señor de los ThunderCats, Lion-O debe enfrentarse y vencer a su mayor enemigo, Mumm-Ra, completamente solo y desarmado.