Home / Series / Three in a Bed / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 635958
  • Created May 27, 2010
  • Modified May 27, 2010
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S03E01 Norfolk House, Cromwell Arms and Full Circle Yurts
March 18, 2015
Channel 4
S03E02 Old Bath Arms, No. 1 Sallyport B&B and Babbling Brook
March 25, 2015
Channel 4
S03E03 The Royal Hotel, Maidford B&B and Brae Cottage
April 5, 2015
Channel 4
S03E04 Daisy Centre, Chocolate Boutique Hotel, Old House Hilton
April 12, 2015
Channel 4
S03E05 Don Guesthouse, Graydon and Blackburn Lodge
April 26, 2015
Channel 4
S03E06 Maypole Inn, Wootton Park and Hooks Cottage
May 10, 2015
Channel 4
S03E07 Stoodley Lodge, Inner Guidance Retreat and Coastal Valley
series finale
August 24, 2015
Channel 4
S03E08 Number 3, Worrall's Grove and Mallard House
Channel 4
S03E09 Peldon Rose, Valentino's and the Mill House
Channel 4
S03E10 Carlee, Graeanfryn Farm and Goltho House
season finale
Channel 4

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