A dwarf and his friends go back to the circus to save the freaks.
An argumentative husband and wife meet a decorator on a train. After it crashes they all head off to La-la land.
Two men meet and fall in love with a waitress. One of the men is an old love and father to the woman's child, who is of uncertain gender
Three people meet at an aerobics class and get together to watch a movie, where they learn about the woman's boss, a kinky veterinarian.
A cult is controlling a young mans mind.With a man he meets at the laundromat they search for a way out.
Two men run off to a disco with a woman. Marital problems arise between one of the men and his wife during a tornado.
A pharmacist meets an old love who talks her into trying to cheat a club owner out of some money. To make matters worse the club owner's strange wife sees shapes in the toilet.
A man and woman meet in a doctor's office and go on a trip to Spain together.
A very rich man recluse meets a woman who's mother tried to kill her. Both are shocked when the mother unexpectedly shows up at their intimate dinner for two.
Just as everyone's getting ready for the annual Cecilia Parade, Cecilia gets PMS.
A wealthy man floods the library hoping to win back the librarian's wife.
Three co-workers discovering someone has tapped into their computer search out the culprit.
Father & daughter meet Celine Dion in a lingerie shop. Linda Kash subs for Kathryn Greenwood.
Two warring jungle tribes near extinction, face salvation from a most unusual creature.