The popularity of bowling in the 1950s and 1960s gave the coinop trifecta (United, Chicago Coin, Bally) a chance to make & sell A LOT of EM bowling games! And they sure did as Shuffle Alleys (aka puck bowlers) and Ball Bowlers were the top-end products of the coinop industries during this time. These games made boatloads of money for the operators. Because of this, 30 to 50 years later, there are TONS of EM ball bowlers and shuffle alleys available for restoration. So Norm and the Shagster felt it was time to do a video about restoring these great games, which are frankly the upper echelon of EM coin-op collectibles. If you own an EM ball bowler or shuffle alley and can't find anyone to repair it, this video is for you. Though it's not exactly the "Idiots Guide to Repairing EM Bowlers", for those that have some mechanical ability and lots of time on their hands, it will show how to do get a bowler working. And if you don't know what "EM" means, you probably have some ground level research to do (see this). Video covers repair, restoraton and history of EM Ball Bowlers and EM Shuffle Alleys, but this repair information spans most other types of EM games (like pinballs) from post-WW2 to 1978. Over 20 different bowlers are shown in the video (many tens of thousands of dollars worth of restored/working games), with the video concentrates on restoring a 1963 Chicago Coin Grand Spare Lite ball bowler (17.5 feet long, 4.5" balls, six selectible games). The video covers mostly ball bowlers, but shuffle alleys are also wrapped into this video - the only difference between a ball bowler and a puck bowler is the added ball lift mechanism for a ball bowler. Otherwise shuffle alleys and ball bowlers are largely identical in operation and restoration/repair. Note TOP8 is language and kid friendly, except for the last 2 minutes of the video, which has a sexy babe ("Dandy", who is TOP7 Candy's sister), testing out Shaggy's bowler. So if viewing in front of kids, don't let