A new oil rig called Tex is very rude to Theodore and Hank and he simply just doesn't want their help. However, when a terrible storm puts Tex in grave danger will he then accept the tugs' help?
Theodore insists on finding a little rowboat a new home all by himself. Things though don't quite turn out right.
Hank loses his lifeboat in a spooky cove one day. If the lifeboat isn't found then Hank can't leave his dock due to safety reasons. Theodore decides to help out his friend and find the lost lifeboat. When he arrives at the cove, Theodore is quite surprised.
Foduck is soon to earn his 'v-word'. This means he will be allowed to travel in the open ocean. However, he is having a spot of bother picking a name so he turns to his other tug friends for help.
The Dispatcher chooses Theodore to teach Hank how to tow barges. When Hank tries to tow a barge from the side during his towing test, Theodore says that you're supposed to tow a barge from the front. The result at first is a disaster, but at the end of the day luck is on Hank's side.
Hank says that he has seen a mermaid beneath the water but no one believes him, at first.
George is scared that his hull checkup will hurt so he tries to hide behind a barge but gets stuck. So it's then Theodore to the rescue.
Foduck celebrates by continuously bumping into Theodore. Theodore doesn't like getting bumped but instead of telling Foduck that, he makes the mistake of avoiding Foduck all together.
Theodore gets his first try at welcoming ships into the harbor but isn't sure what to say to them.
The Dispatcher assigns Theodore to be the tug in charge of an incoming cargo ship called Julia. However when Theodore actually meets up with her, Julia questions his ability to handle her and Theodore is not so sure himself either.
A big freeze slows the productivity of the harbor right down. The pilot boats are restricted to their docks so Theodore and his other tugboat friends are left in charge to make sure that the harbor is kept safe.
One night, Theodore has a bad dream about a sea monster and when he wakes up he is scared that the dream will come true. But with a little help from his friends Theodore finds out that dreams are 'just pretend' and he will be alright.
Like Foduck, Theodore wants to earn his 'v-word' too. Emily tries to help Theodore by teaching him some skills that he'll need if his 'v-word' is to be so. However, Theodore grows over confident.
A grand ocean liner named Queen Stephanie visits the harbor. When she tries to pass beneath Benjamin Bridge though she gets severely stuck. Theodore however, quickly comes up with an idea on how to free her.
Bluenose the old sailing ship saves Foduck when his propeller becomes clogged with seaweed.
Theodore thinks that the pilot boats who patrol the harbor never seem to listen to anybody, and they don't. But soon though, the pilot boats learn a valuable lesson about not listening.
It is found that Sandy beach is terribly polluted and Emily and George notice this. They then have an argument about which one of them is causing the pollution. Theodore soon reminds them that all the tugs make pollution. Later on, all the tugs agree on the great idea of a 'Big Harbour Clean-up Contest' to be held.
All the tugs seem to have a very big plan in terms of what part of the harbor they are each going to clean up in the contest. However, once Theodore has heard each tug's 'big plan' he can't seem to think of one himself. So he has to settle for a 'little plan'.
Theodore tells all the tugs that they are his best friend. Later, they get angry at him when they find out Theodore has said the same thing to all of them. They then demand to know which one of them truly is his best friend.
It's Theodore's first day in The Big Harbor and he is completely astonished at how different everything is compared to where he used to work. It takes a few lessons for him to take it all in.
Theodore doesn't like his high-pitched whistle tone so he tries to change the sound of it. He only ends up badly damaging it and Theodore is then unable to do one of his favourite jobs. Later though, he gets a pleasant surprise.
Theodore says that he has seen a ghost at Shipwreck Rock. George though doesn't believe Theodore until he actually sees the ghost for himself, and what a surprise it turns out to be!
George says that Theodore can sleep with the ocean tugs on the other side of the home dock while Emily is away. Theodore agrees because sleeping on the ocean tugs' side of the dock makes him feel more important. Hank though is then left all by himself on the other side of the dock and feels very lonely.
The Dispatcher assigns Theodore and Hank to do the night shift because the other tugs don't want to stay up all night. When it comes for Theodore and Hank to actually do the shift, they find the darkness a little scary.
Theodore finds a whale called Walter who is trapped in seaweed and logs.
The Dispatcher has assigned Emily to lead the tugboat parade. Hank suggests to her that she should recite 'The Tugboat Pledge' as well, except he has tricked Emily and there is no such thing!
George finds a ship that can't talk but little does he know that he could be putting himself in serious danger.
The Dispatcher can't hear properly due to a bad cold, this situation unfortunately leads to some confusion because he is not entirely sure what everyone else is saying exactly.
No one wants to play with Hank or even let him help. He at first feels very angry but a little later he feels very depressed. The other tugs soon join together to formulate a plan on how to apologize to Hank and make him feel better.
Theodore and Emily see a large light travelling across the sky one night. They at first think that it's a shooting star but it is later found out that it is something much, much bigger.
Foduck is chosen by The Dispatcher to be the Big Harbour's safety tug. While he is happy about this, he is also very dissapointed that he won't be able to go out on the open ocean.
Theodore runs into a spot of bother with Northumberland Submarine.
Theodore ends up in the middle of an argument between Emily and George.
Carla encourages Emily to cause trouble in the Big Harbour, will Emily build up the courage to say that she doesn't want to?
A weird ship named Snorri arrives in the Big Harbour. He seems to be rather rude but Theodore soon finds out that in fact, he is not.
George is sad that he didn't win the ""Tug of the Year"" contest, and he had practiced so hard for it too. His other tugboat friends decide to give him a big surprise to cheer him right up.
At first everyone laughs when Theodore accidentally makes a joke. Theodore likes this so he then tries to tell another joke, but on purpose. He can't figure out why nobody laughs at him again, so he tries to find out.
Emily has a full day of work to do but she really wants to meet a fishing trawler who has come from Russia. So she attempts to rush all her jobs but unfortunately she is just a bit too hasty for her own good.
Theodore requests to the Dispatcher for some time off which is agreed upon but soon gets very, very bored.
A string of unexpected, sudden changes to Foduck's routine deeply upset him because he liked the way his original routine was.
The Dispatcher loses his temper and makes an order to the other tugs to be as quiet as possible.
Theodore has to rescue a severely stranded Digby.
Theodore and Barrington Barge decide to play a joke on everyone by hiding from them. But they stay hidden too long and this causes everyone else in the harbour to be worried about them.
Theodore, George and Hank find an enormous ice sculpture floating in the water but can't tell what the object inside it is.
It's ""Big Harbour Fools' Day"" but unfortunately George doesn't take a liking to any of the jokes being played.
Guysborough the garbage barge turns Theodore's normal mood of being a bright and cheerful scamp into an old scrooge.
The Dispatcher sends Theodore out on a job where it is vital that he hugs the coast. Unfortunately he becomes distracted and disobeys orders.
Hank has a severe case of the hiccups that interfer with his work assigned to him.
Hank doesn't like his old name and makes himself a new one, that being 'Henry'. But this sudden name change leads to confusion among the harbour.
One night, Theodore and his friend Foduck get to experience the beautiful Northern Lights.
It's Theodore's birthday but everyone in The Big Harbour seems to have forgotten this special day.
While working Theodore's engine breaks down thus resulting in him only being able to go backwards. This incident makes him feel embarrased and so decides to try and hide from everyone the fact that he can't go forward.
A charming new container ship named Scally dazzles everyone with his flashy haul, but they soon learn that what glitters is not always useful.
A lonely container ship helps Theodore see that everyone (big or small) shares the same feelings.
When a set of bumpers goes missing, the tugs jump to conclusions about what happened to it.
Theodore doesn't want to tell what he knows about Northumberland Submarine's missing bell because he doesn't want to get a friend in trouble. But the longer he keeps quiet, the more complicated things get.
After an interesting-looking container turns out to be dangerous, Emily learns to be more careful about what she picks up.
Emily feels better after finally telling the Dispatcher the real reason she doesn't want a new hat.
George tries to convince Emily that she can't participate in a tug-of-war because she's a girl.
Foduck warns Theodore not to spin bell buoys, but Theodore ignores the warning—then loses his way because Bedford Buoy is not there to help him.
Theodore is excited about welcoming a new tug to the harbour—until he realizes that Oliver the Ocean Tug is a bully.
George's project of raising a submerged satellite doesn't go too well—until he realizes that he can't just give orders and expect everyone else to do his work.
Theodore helps a very gloomy rowboat learn to look on the bright side of things.
While his dockmate (Theodore) is away, Hank gets scared of the dark and realizes that it's OK to want a little help from a night light.
A rumor that a pirate boat is hiding in the Big Harbour gets everyone on full alert—but just how reliable is the source?
Foduck discovers that it's OK to be angry as long as you talk about it afterward.
Theodore and George are having trouble getting along, but sleepy Northumberland and ultra-loud Owan provide an example of working together by accepting each other's differences.
When Rebecca becomes trapped by a giant iceberg, Theodore discovers that he knows more than he thought he did about what to do.
When he is promoted to bell buoys, Theodore has to learn how to be a good boss.
The other ships ignore disaster-prone Digby while working on a big project, but a slipped cable gives him the chance to show how useful he can be.
When it's time for him to leave the Big Harbour and go home, Dartmouth the cable ship helps Theodore understand that he's not losing a companion—he's gaining a friend in a whole new place.
Theodore learns that a very sensitive engine beats beneath George's bluster.
Theodore thinks that a day with Rebecca the Research Vessel will be boring—but is pleasantly surprised when he finally gives it a chance.
A giant supertanker helps the tugs see that everyone has an important part to play in making the Big Harbour a special place.
Emily returns from her latest ocean-going adventure, and an envious Theodore wonders whether he'll ever be big enough to leave the harbour himself.
George is sure he already has enough friends, until he discovers that he and Sigrid the Supply Ship have something unusual in common.
After being tossed around all night by a storm, Theodore wishes he could live on land. But a stretch in dry dock changes his mind.
Hank discovers that the best way to make a friend is just to be himself.
Foduck learns a lesson in patience.
Sigrid the Supply Ship reveals her secret dream: to be a tugboat.
Hank manages to fix his malfunctioning whistle just in time for Tugboat Race Day.
Once Foduck realizes how real Theodore's fears of the Haliburton Houseboat are, he also learns how he can be a better friend.
Northumberland Submarine wanders off by himself, without telling anyone where he's going, and gets trapped in an underwater cave.
Emily discovers her limits while making tricky turns at Pictou Peaks.
Emily, Sigrid, and Theodore can't agree on the best way to explore a sandy shore, so they decide to take turns.
When Benjamin Bridge's snoring tries their patience, Rebecca and Theodore both realize that no one is perfect.
Theodore tells a lie to get out of dock duty so he can go racing with Hank, and a fire breaks out while he should have been standing watch.
Theodore makes the best of a bad situation when Lillie the Lighthouse is unable to warn an approaching ship because of her sore throat.
While trying to be just like his hero, Nautilus the Navy ship, George discovers that some things aren't as easy as they look.
Theodore loses a tugging contest but learns that the best prize is a job well done.
The tugs run out of time while getting ready for the Dispatcher's birthday party.
Theodore learns that everyone is good at doing different things.
The tugs learn the importance of asking for help while conducting a daring rescue operation.
Owan has to calm his own panic before he can rescue his friend Sigrid.
When she bruises her bumper and can't do her usual work, Emily worries that she's no longer important. But she learns that other things make her special, too.
Theodore learns that it can be more fun to listen than to do all the talking.
Hank discovers how words can hurt someone.
Theodore learns that different people are good at different things.
When he remembers to fill his oil each morning without being reminded, Theodore gets an unexpected reward.
George discovers that sometimes the best way to speed things up is to slow down a little.
When Baddeck the Buoy Boat comes to visit, Theodore discovers that sharing friends can double the fun.
Theodore's efforts to find his way home only get him more and more lost. Then finally he decides to just stay put and wait for help.
Hank has second thoughts about going off with a visiting ship, and Theodore advises him to trust his instincts.
Filmore (1 of the ferry twins) feels stuck in a rut. But Theodore helps him see that there's always another way of looking at things.
Theodore tries to help Seabright the Cargo Ship get over his fear of going under Benjamin Bridge.
Foduck has so much fun going backwards that he decides to try doing it all the time.
Hank discovers that he doesn't have to be better than everyone else to be liked.
The arguing between barges Brunswick and Bayswater makes it hard for Theodore to pull them at the same time. But do they really want to be pulled apart?
All of Theodore's wishes seem to be coming true, and he begins to believe he has super powers.
On Flag Day, George is so excited about showing off all his flags that he completely ignores a new container ship.
Hank tags along with Theodore on the night shift.
Theodore gets carried away with reporting every little incident in the harbour to the Dispatcher.
Brunswick (the thrill-seeking barge) gets more than he bargained for when he and Theodore end up caught in a storm.
Hank and Theodore laugh at Millie the Silly Fishing Trawler—until they realize that what she really needs is help with her eyesight.
Carla keeps trying to tell Emily what to do, so Emily finally tries hiding from her in a far-away cove.
While the dock is being dredged, the tugs must sleep in a strange cove.
The tugs try to figure out why Northumberland Submarine seems to disappear every time Pugwash the Undersea Explorer comes to the Big Harbour.
Back home, no one can understand why Bedford the Buoy wants to leave the Big Harbour.
Theodore shows Emily that a true friend is someone you can trust.
Digby the Cable Ship wants to meet Guysborough the Garbage Barge, but Theodore isn't so sure it's a good idea.
While conducting a search, Theodore learns how useful it can be to try staying put and shouting rather than running around.
George and Foduck accompany Pugwash the Undersea Explorer on a salvage operation, but their preoccupation with impressing the local boats instead of concentrating on the task at hand leads to trouble.
A ship is putting the whole harbour at risk with his unsafe sailing practices, but nothing Theodore says can make him change his ways.
Emily and some other friends join Carla, the Cool Cabin Cruiser for a sleepover at Shipwreck Rock, but things get a little scary.
Foduck discovers that feelings can be stronger than actions.
Theodore learns that true friends will respect you for getting the job done.
Theodore and Hank are disappointed when Constance the Coast Guard Ship shows up in place of Queen Stephanie, the grand ocean liner, but soon discover that friends don't have to be grand to be great.
George and Emily are sent to stop a runaway iceberg, but first they have to resolve their own disagreement on how to proceed.
Hank's first assignment as Tug-in-Charge almost turns out to be his last when Digby the Cable Ship is injured.
Pugwash has disappeared, and Theodore must make a choice about whether to speak up about what he knows.