Absent Friends unfolds over afternoon tea where friends gather to console a recent widower over his wife's death by accidental drowning. Socially gormless, the widower exposes simmering tensions and disaffections, leaving them by the end unintentionally but hilariously much the worse for his visit.
Based on J. M. Synge's Playboy of the Western World. Peggy Ford runs her father's rum bar in Mayaro, a quiet fishing village in Trinidad. Nothing much happens in Mayaro until a handsome young stranger appears and insists that he has just murdered his father
Television Adaptation of Alan Ayckbourn's 1983 play.
TV film of Steven Berkoff's stage adaption of Kafka's famous story in which a young man who is the sole financial supporter of his family until he awakes one morning in the form of a giant dung beetle and thereby becoming a nuisance to his family, who must now learn to rely upon themselves.