All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Killer Volcanoes

    • October 1, 2008
    • Netflix

    Discover how volcanoes form and explore history's most devastating eruptions, including those at Indonesia's Krakatoa and the Caribbean's Mount Pelée.

  • S01E02 When America Shook

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Study the mighty tectonic forces behind some of the world's worst earthquakes, including one that all but razed San Francisco in 1906

  • S01E03 Torrents of Terror

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    This episode probes the power of floods -- Earth's deadliest form of natural disaster -- and reveals why certain regions are particularly at risk.

  • S01E04 Alpine Avalanches

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Deadly avalanches strike without warning in mountains across the globe, with slides in the Alps alone claiming scores of victims every year.

  • S01E05 Shattered Countries

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    This episode explores the most catastrophic earthquakes the world has seen in centuries, including temblors in China, India and South America.

  • S01E06 Quakes From Hell

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Delve deeper into the powerful subterranean forces that cause earthquakes and survey some of the worst quakes to ever hit Japan, Turkey and China.

  • S01E07 Tsunami - Killer Waves

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Learn how colossal tsunami waves form and sweep devastation in from the sea, and how authorities work to develop advanced warning systems.

  • S01E08 Killer Cyclones

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Discover how monster cyclones form in the world's tropical seas and why Bangladesh remains especially vulnerable to these ferocious storms.

  • S01E09 Hurricanes From Hell

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    This episode probes the savage nature of hurricanes and the havoc wreaked by Hurricane Katrina, which engulfed New Orleans in 2005.

  • S01E10 Twisters and Weird Weather

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    To protect the public, scientists and storm spotters study the fury of tornadoes as they roar across the landscape, leaving destruction in their wake.

  • S01E11 Extreme Weather

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Across the globe, oppressive heat waves, prolonged droughts, bitter blizzards and other extreme weather conditions can decimate entire regions.

  • S01E12 Forest Fires

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Although part of nature's cycle, forest fires can rage out of control, as with an inferno that consumed swaths of Indonesia in the 1990s.

  • S01E13 Devastating Landslides

    • October 1, 2016
    • Netflix

    Discover some of the most devastating landslides in recorded history, including those in South America that have killed tens of thousands of people.