Nach all dem Trubel und mit dem Segen des Großteils von Nikes Familie möchten Nike und Livi die Heimreise antreten. Doch für Nike wäre es so überaus wichtig, wenn ihre Großmutter sich doch zu einem Abschied durchringen könnte.
Tohara wants to keep Nike with her at any cost. But when she learns how Nike and Livi feel about each other, she goes of her own accord to see her granddaughter off joyfully. Nike and Livi return to the Sun Kingdom having formally acknowledged their feelings for each other. And so their new life together truly begins...
Nike et Livius repartent pour le pays du Soleil le cœur gros. Une surprise les attend à leur arrivée, le pays ayant été confié à Bald pendant leur absence...
Tohara wants to keep Nike with her at any cost. But when she learns how Nike and Livi feel about each other, she goes of her own accord to see her granddaughter off joyfully. Nike and Livi return to the Sun Kingdom having formally acknowledged their feelings for each other. And so their new life together truly begins...