Delegationen aus der ganzen Welt treffen für eine mehrtägige Handelskonferenz im Sonnenkönigreich. Das bedeutet für Livius und Nike einen ganzen Haufen Arbeit. Inmitten all des Trubels erreicht Nike eine schlechte Nachricht aus ihrer Heimat.
Nike's busy life as wife of the Sun King is interrupted by an urgent message from the Principality of Rain. Nike's grandmother, Tohara, has collapsed, and she wants to see her granddaughter. Livi notices Nike's concern for her grandmother, and decides to journey with her to the Principality of Rain.
Une grande réunion internationale est organisée au pays du Beau temps. Nike apprend que sa grand-mère est malade. Livi décide alors de tout abandonner et de l'accompagner dans son pays natal...
Nike's busy life as wife of the Sun King is interrupted by an urgent message from the Principality of Rain. Nike's grandmother, Tohara, has collapsed, and she wants to see her granddaughter. Livi notices Nike's concern for her grandmother, and decides to journey with her to the Principality of Rain.