For 600 years the Voynich Manuscript has stumped scholars, cryptographers, physicists, and computer scientists. Now, a researcher in Germany has claimed to have finally decoded the most mysterious book in the world. The Voynich Manuscript is a 240-page medieval codex written in an indecipherable language, full of bizarre drawings of strange plants, astrological symbols and... lots of... naked women. The Voynich Manuscript defies classification and has also defied comprehension
Most of us have heard of the Bermuda Triangle, where planes and ships have mysteriously gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean for decades. Did you know there is a similar place in Nevada? The Nevada Triangle. In a region of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Nevada and California, 2,000 planes have been lost in the last 60 years. In this remotely populated area of more than 25,000 miles of mountain desert, many of the crash sites have never been found.
Humans are weird animals. Sure we're terrified of ghosts, monsters, snakes, spiders and all kinds of other things; both real and imagined. That's normal. Healthy, even. So why do we actually ENJOY being afraid by experiencing these things on purpose. There is a science of fear that explains why being frightened can be fun, at least for some people
How the great pyramids of Egypt were built has been the subject of debate for a long time. The fact is, no one really knows for certain exactly how some of these megaliths were constructed. Some researchers think ancient cultures may have mastered levitation through sound which allowed them to easily manipulate massive objects
November 22nd, 1987 was a pretty normal evening for television viewers in Chicago. That night, like every night, Dan Roan was covering sports on WGN-TV, Channel 9. Then suddenly, the signal was disrupted and screens across the city cut to black. Engineers at WGN-TV thought their transmitters were failing. They weren't. A few seconds later, something crazy happened. WGN's broadcast signal had been hijacked in what is now known as "The Max Headroom Incident"
Was Polybius real? In 1981, an arcade in Portland was the scene of countless gamers coming down with migraines, having heart attacks, seizures and strokes. Local teens were suffering from amnesia and having hallucinations. All due to a mysterious game that seemed to arrive out of thin air. The game was called Polybius. And even though playing the game was dangerous, it was highly addictive and caused some teens to become hyper-aggressive. Fights started breaking out at the arcade. One player was stabbed to death. All traced back to people who played Polybius. Why would the government allow the public to play such a dangerous game? Because the government created it
New York City has skyscrapers of all shapes and sizes. But why does this 500 foot tall, 29-story building have no windows, no lights and no markings at all? Because it's a top-secret NSA spy station built to withstand nuclear war. Officially, this is an AT&T telecommunications building. But thanks to leaked documents, we now know that 33 Thomas Street is actually a top secret NSA mass surveillance hub
Edison versus Tesla. One of history's greatest rivalries. They would never admit it but as different as these men were, they also had many similarities. For instance, they also both dabbled in paranormal technology. Nikola Tesla was convinced he could invent a device to communicate with the spirit world. And Thomas Edison was convinced he could get there first
In 1945, Soviet children presented the ambassador with a gift to commemorate the friendship of the US and the Soviet Union. A hand-carved wooden replica of the Great Seal of the United States. The ambassador was so pleased with the carving that he hung it in his office at the official ambassador residence in Moscow: the Spaso house. But the wooden carving was more than just a decoration. Now hanging on the wall, just behind the ambassador's desk was a state of the art, high-frequency listening device that was completely undetectable
In 1924, Paul Amadeus Dienach had been teaching the German language in Greece. Dying of tuberculosis, he wanted to return home to Switzerland. Before he left, he gave hundreds of pages of handwritten notes to his favorite language student Georgios Papachatzis. Dienach wrote about how he went into a coma and woke up 2000 years in the future. It seems that Paul Amadeus Dienach had experienced some kind of time slip that caused him to fall asleep in the year 1921, and wake up in the year 3906. He spent a *whole year* in the future. And he wrote down everything he saw.
In 1999, at the age of 36, Sanju collapsed when he couldn't catch his breath. He was rushed by an ambulance to a hospital in Mumbai. The doctors knew they had to remove the tumor as quickly as possible to save Sanju's life. As they prepared for surgery, medical staff noticed something strange. The tumor was actually feeding on the contents of Sanju's stomach. When surgeons made the incision, gallons of fluid came out. He was then horrified to find this wasn't a tumor at all.
There are over 7 billion people living on the earth right now. Tens of millions are born and die each year. Every single one of us leaves signs of our existence in the air, water, soil -- even space. But these signs won't last forever. Our buildings will be gone in a few hundred years. Our stone monuments, plastic, styrofoam, twinkies, even evidence of our inevitable nuclear destruction will eventually be gone. So how can we be sure that we were the first advanced civilization on earth? Well, according to the Silurian Hypothesis: we can't.
In 1704, using a series of calculations, Isaac Newton predicted the world would end sometime around the year 2060. Almost 300 years later, in 1973, a computer at MIT made the prediction that life as we know it will end around the year 2040. It also predicted that some of the first signs would be seen in the year 2020. Some of its predictions have come true and scientists are taking this seriously.
In December 1984, Ken Webster, a high-school teacher, was living with his friend Nic and girlfriend Debbie in the small village of Dodleston. One evening, the three were walking home from the local pub when they saw a pulsing green light emanating from their cottage windows. When they got inside, they saw something that terrified them. Though their computer wasn't connected to any network, and everyone in the house was gone all night, a strange message was written on the screen. A message addressed to them, by name. Over the next few months, more messages appeared. Eventually, Ken and his friends begin corresponding with the person on the other side. At first, Ken thinks this is a hoax or a prank. But over time, he comes to believe that not only are the messages real, they're being written by someone living in the very same house -- in the year 1541
Across the Southern Appalachian mountains, from Georgia up through North Carolina, hundreds of unusual stone structures have been discovered. Some date back hundreds of years. Some date back thousands. Archaeologists aren't sure who created these monuments. But the Cherokee people claim they know exactly who built them. The Cherokee say the structures were built by the Moon-Eyed people, a race of fair-skinned, light-haired, bearded humans. Their large blue eyes were so sensitive to the sun that they lived in caves and only came out at night. Which is why they're called Moon-Eyed.
What if all of our online existence is fake? You, me, everyone; we're living in a real-life Matrix. Designed to distract us from the truth: that we're just drones in a digital ant-hill. We live, work and die so that the wealthy and powerful can grow more wealthy and powerful. This is called the Dead Internet Theory. And there's compelling evidence that it's real.
Ingo Swann claimed to be a psychic who was employed by the CIA to remote-view the dark side of the moon. Specifically to look for an alien presence. It sounded like science fiction. But in 2006, when the CIA started releasing documents on the Stargate Project, Swann's participation in the program was confirmed. When Swann was asked about the existence of extraterrestrials, he said not only were they already here, but they *are* building something on the far side of the moon. And, according to Swann, these aliens -- aren't friendly.
A man from Derinkuyu, in the Nevsehir province of Turkey was renovating his basement. Using only a sledgehammer, he broke through one of his walls; and felt cool air coming in from the other side. Inside he found a small room-sized cave. This area of Turkey has complex cave systems so he thought he accidentally stumbled into one. He didn't. That first small room -- was only the beginning.
On September 1, 1859, astronomer Richard Carrington was observing a huge sunspot. Suddenly, a flash of intense white light burst from the sun's surface. He had become the first eye-witness of a major Coronal Mass Ejection or CME. And it was headed straight for earth. Seventeen hours later, the night sky in North America lit up like the day. Aurora Borealis, typically only seen near the north pole, were visible as far south as Colombia. In the southern hemisphere, Aurora Australis were visible North of Brisbane. A few hours later, on September 2, the most powerful solar storm ever recorded crashed into the Earth's atmosphere. Our magnetic field was immediately overpowered and created chaos around the world.
Here's a philosophical question for you. If a color doesn't have a name, can we still see it? Many years ago, the human eye evolved to give us the ability to see about a million colors. That's a lot. Then how come, until very recently, nobody saw or even heard of the color blue? Well, it's because blue just -- didn't exist yet
The Count of Saint Germain has been called a prophet, a sorcerer, and an immortal. He's been spotted all over the world for a thousand years. And every time he's seen, he looks exactly the same age. The Count of Saint Germain advised Kings, Queens and Emperors. He was present at every significant event in European history. And even was an important contributor to America's struggle for Independence. He spoke a dozen languages fluently. He played piano and violin like a virtuoso. He was an expert in art, science, politics, philosophy and history. Some say he walked the earth during the time of Christ. Some say he walks the earth still.
On February 25, 1942, at about 2:30 in the morning, the people of Los Angeles were jolted awake by the sound of air-raid sirens. The city was ordered to blackout and prepare for an attack. Searchlights sprang to life, frantically scanning the sky above the city for enemy aircraft. Finally, the lights converged on a single object. As frightened citizens stepped on to their porches and lawns to get a glimpse of the target, the sky erupted with hundreds of explosions of fire, smoke and steel. The Battle of Los Angeles had begun.
Is this reality? Well, we're experiencing ... something right now so maybe the better question is: *what* is reality? Could everything we see, everything we experience, everything that exists in our entire universe -- be artificial? Supporters of Simulation Theory believe that not only is it *possible* that we're living in a simulation; it's likely. And the more we look for evidence, the more we find.
We all keep secrets. For most of us, these are nothing more than minor embarrassing details about ourselves. But some of us have dark secrets which, if discovered, could destroy lives. For years, the residents of Circleville, Ohio, received bizarre, threatening letters; from someone who somehow knew every salacious detail of their personal lives. The letters cost people their jobs, their marriages, their freedom, and sometimes, their lives. Over a thousand letters were sent over *20 years*. Yet somehow, whoever wrote them got away with it. Or did they?
Operation Highjump commenced in August 1946. It was the largest, most heavily armed naval task force ever sent to Antarctica. Leading the mission was Admiral Richard E Byrd, one of the most famous naval officers in history. The official purpose for the expedition was scientific research and military training. But that was just a cover story. Operation Highjump had other goals. One was to extend American sovereignty over Antarctica. Something that was denied many times by the US government. Another was to locate and destroy a secret Nazi base. AND, capture the nazi's new secret weapon: the flying saucer
Are you going crazy? Or maybe, you somehow slipped through the multiverse. For a brief moment, you switched lives with yourself in an alternate reality. There are documented cases of this happening to people all over the world. Usually, the differences between realities are small. But every once in a while, the changes are so different, that you're another person entirely. This happened to a man traveling through a Tokyo airport. When he presented his passport, the authorities were baffled. The passport was genuine, the only problem was, the country that issued it? It didn't exist
One of the most intriguing objects hidden in the Secret Apostolic Archives is called the Chronovisor. A device that can view events anywhere and any time in history. For years, its existence was just a rumor. No proof of the Chronovisor was ever found. But a book released by a Vatican priest would change all that
Despite it being humanity's constant companion through all of recorded time, the moon is still a mystery. Science hasn't been able to explain how the moon was formed, its unusual orbit, its distance from us, its density, its composition, its structure. These are all still questions. There are theories about the moon that solve some of these puzzles, but not others. There is only one theory that answers every scientific question about the moon. Just one. That the moon is a hollow, artificial structure, brought here by -- someone else.
In the past year or so, three internet mysteries popped up that really got my attention. They may seem very different, but trust me, they're connected. The first one is about a girl who found a door in the basement of her AirBnB. She opened it and inside was an abandoned shopping mall. The second story is about Javier aka Unico Sobreviviente, who woke up in a hospital in the year 2027, in an alternate universe. In his version of the future -- everyone on earth has vanished. He's the only one left, and he has video to prove it. The third mystery is known as the Backdoors. A reality adjacent to ours that, if the conditions are just right, you can accidentally slip into.
On March 16, 1957, at 8 o'clock in the morning, a 300 ft long spacecraft landed in a field in Alexandria Virginia. Two local police officers arrived on the scene. The door of the craft slowly opened. The officers drew their guns, not sure what to expect. To their surprise, out walked a normal-looking guy. He smiled at the stunned officers and actually waved hello. Before the policemen could say a word, the stranger said, in clear English: "I need to see the president." Nine months after this event, NASA was founded. This is the story of what happened in-between. This is the story of Valiant Thor.
The Santa Lucia mountain range runs from Monterey and down the coast of California. For hundreds of years, stories have been told about entities that keep watch over the mountains. Sometimes seen out of the corner of the eye, always from a distance. Stare too long and they vanish. If you're ever hiking the wilderness of Big Sur and feel like you're being watched? It's because you are
On Mel Waters' property in the Manastash Ridge, west of Ellensburg, Washington, there is a hole in the ground that looks like a well -- but it's not a well. Like the owners of the property before him, Mel used the hole as a trash dump. His neighbors used it too. Garbage, broken appliances, old tires, everything went in the hole. After a while, Mel started to wonder: why doesn't it fill up? Then he started to notice other strange things about the hole.
In 1943, the USS Eldridge was made invisible and teleported from Philadelphia to Virginia. This event was known as the Philadelphia Experiment. When the Eldridge reappeared, some crew materialized in walls and bulkheads. They died in agony. But two sailors didn't reappear at all. The two men, who happened to be brothers, were presumed dead or lost. They weren't dead. They traveled 40 years into the future; in a secret military base on the East end of Long Island. They became unwitting participants of The Montauk Project
November 28th, 1953. New York City. At 2:30 AM the body hit the sidewalk. A few seconds later, a shower of glass. After a minute or two of trying to communicate, the man took a final deep breath and was gone. Nobody knows for sure what he was trying to say before he died. But one thing is for certain, it was something about the CIA.
Paul Bennewitz lived next to a large airforce base. When he saw colored lights in the sky, he assumed they were experimental aircraft. Then he started picking up strange radio signals that seemed to be an alien language. He took his findings to the Air Force. Publicly they denied the UFO/alien story. But privately, they confirmed Paul's findings. The Air Force even funded his UFO research. He spent several years gathering evidence and reporting it to the authorities. Then, he ended up in a mental institution.
This is our future. The United States of America endures a second civil war, killing millions. Immediately after that, a *World* War begins. Nuclear weapons are used. Billions are killed. The aftermath leaves the earth in ruins. Electric grids are down. Food becomes scarce. Disease is rampant. Society breaks down. Then, in 2038, all computers go offline. Civilization is set back several hundred years. The world enters a second dark age. Only by changing events in our past and present can we avoid this nightmare of a future. In 1998, in a small town in Florida, John Titor was born. In the year 2036, John, a temporal soldier would be sent back in time. His mission? Save the world.
Nikola Tesla believed that he could harness the energy from inside the earth and transmit that power *wirelessly* around the world. His early experiments were successful. But his research mysteriously vanished after his death. There is no evidence left of Tesla's wireless power technology. Or is there? For years we were taught that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a tomb for a king. It wasn't. It had a different purpose. Tesla didn't invent wireless power. It's been here for 5,000 years. And probably a lot longer than that.
The story always starts the same way. On the side of the road, in a backyard, or in a parking lot; a large dog hovers over a dead animal, quietly eating. As you approach, the dog looks up. Its eyes shining in the dark. As you move closer, the dog stands up on its hind legs. It's well over 7 feet tall. It has the body of a man but the head of a dog or a wolf. Some call them werewolves. Others call them dogmen. Whatever they are, they've been terrifying people for hundreds of years. In the past, it's been easy to dismiss these sightings as mistakes or superstitions. But these creatures are not so easy to dismiss anymore.
In the Spring of 1974, a large brush fire swept across the property owned by Antoine and Gerri Betz. While assessing the damage, they noticed something very out of place. Lying in the smoldering grass, was a highly polished, metal sphere. This became known as the Betz sphere or the Betz orb. Terry Betz, Antoine and Jerri's 21-year-old son, went to pick up the sphere. Although it was only 8-inches in diameter, it was extremely heavy. Then the Betz family did something with the sphere that would change their lives forever. Something that the family would come to regret. They brought it home.
In September 1994, Yitzak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel received an ominous message. It was a warning that his life was in danger. The sender of the message said this information was secretly encoded -- in the Bible. Rabin ignored the warning. A year later, the Prime Minister was assassinated. The code hidden within the Bible not only predicted Rabin's assassination, but also predicted the date, and even the name of the killer. Secretly encoded in the Bible, written thousands of years ago, are predictions of every major world event. Including terrifying events yet to come.
Everyone's heard of Area 51. The top-secret facility in the Nevada desert. But nobody really knows what happens there. We have only rumors. One rumor is that alien bodies have been recovered from UFO crashes. Those aliens have been autopsied and the subjects of medical experiments for years. But have you ever heard of Dulce Base? Dulce is more secret than Area 51. And more sinister. If Area 51 is the place where humans experiment on aliens; Dulce is the place where aliens experiment on us
In 1965, 12 astronauts were sent to an alien planet as part of a human-alien exchange program. 13 years later the astronauts returned home. Well, most of them did. The mission commander wrote a 3,000-page report of everything his team experienced. First alien contact, the 40-light-year trip to the alien world, and everything that happened on the planet
Ed and Lorraine Warren are maybe the most famous paranormal investigators in history. They've worked on more than 10,000 cases. Some of which have been made into books and movies. The Conjuring films are based on the work of the Warrens. Today we'll look at a few of their scariest, most disturbing cases and find the truth
3-year old Dorothy was playing, then accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. She hit her head and was knocked unconscious. When her parents found her, she wasn't breathing. They called a doctor who rushed over immediately. Dorothy's mother broke down when the doctor said there was nothing he could do. Her little girl was dead. The doctor left and returned an hour later with Dorothy's death certificate and gently discussed arrangements for the little girl's body. But during this conversation, shuffling was heard coming from Dorothy's room. They ran upstairs and there she was, playing in her room like nothing happened. The doctor examined her again. There was no sign of injury. He had no explanation. He said it appeared as if Dorothy had come back from the dead. He didn't realize how right he was
In 1988, aerospace designer Brad Sorenson went to Norton Air Force base for the annual air show. The show was the chance for aerospace companies and military contractors to show off new technology to top military and government officials. Brad wanted to network and maybe grab a new client or two. At some point, Brad got turned around and separated from his group. He hopped into another group and ended up in a large hangar watching a presentation given by a three-star general. At first it was the typical rundown for various top secret aircraft. Brad figured he was in the right place. He wasn't. The general signalled to someone and a huge curtain was pulled, revealing three aircraft that nobody was expecting.
In 1908, President Teddy Roosevelt wanted to declare the Grand Canyon off-limits to all timber and mining operations. It would take another 11 years for Congress to designate the Grand Canyon a national park. Sensing a final opportunity for adventure, explorer G.E. Kincaid took a boat down the Colorado River and through the Grand Canyon. He discovered a cavern with Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
You're drifting off to sleep; or maybe you wake up in the middle of the night. You feel a presence in the room. You see something out of the corner of your eye. You try to look but you can't move. You try to call out, but you're unable to make a sound. There's an invisible weight on your chest. Even breathing is difficult. You strain to look and then you see it. The shadow of a person.
Nov 30, 1989, just after 3 AM. New York City. Janet Kimball was driving over the Brooklyn Bridge when her car stalled and slowly rolled to a stop. After a couple of failed attempts to get the car started, Janet was hit by a bright light. Bright enough that she had to shield her eyes. The light was coming from an apartment building. Janet thought maybe someone was shooting a movie. Not unusual in New York City. Then she saw that the light was coming from a saucer-shaped craft hovering *above* the building
In 1966 a well-known engineer released a book with information that could impact everyone on earth. But before anyone could read it, it was classified by the CIA. We only learned of its existence a few years ago because of a Freedom of Information request. The CIA only released 57 pages of the original 284-page manuscript. And those pages have been, in the CIA's own words, "sanitized". Why does the CIA think this book is so dangerous that they had to hide it from the public for 60 years; and continue to hide most of it? It's because the man who wrote it describes the end of the world.
The Apollo spaceflight program lasted from 1961 to 1972. Apollo 11 was Neil Armstrong's famous first step. Apollo 17 was the last manned mission to the moon. In all, 20 Apollo flights were planned but Apollo 18, 19 and 20 were canceled. But in 2007, a retired astronaut blew the whistle and claimed Apollo 18, 19 and 20 *did* happen. But they were highly classified. He knows this because was the commander of Apollo 20. He said the reason these missions were kept secret is because of what they found on the moon. Well, not just *what* they found -- also *who* they found.
Andrew started his TikTok account in July of 2021, and he posted all the typical things. Videos of friends, of work, his girlfriend, his dog, and just him goofing around. But starting in April, 2022, his posts would take a strange turn; and Andrew Dawson would become the center of one the biggest internet mysteries in years
On July 6, 2022, a bomb detonated on a 5-acre plot of farmland in Elberton, Georgia. The explosion destroyed a large monument that had stood on the property for over 40 years. Known as "The Georgia Guidestones", it was four monolithic slabs of granite, weighing over 230,000 pounds, that contained a set of rules for a more peaceful and orderly society. The identity of the builder was a mystery for 40 years, but today I'll tell you who he was. But why did he want to keep his identity a secret? Probably for the same reason the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed. Because, according to the Guidestones, the way to a perfect society is through a one-world government, genetic and racial purity, and massive global depopulation. In other words: A New World Order.
On April 23rd 2006, a man in his early 20s was seen in Kyiv, Ukraine staring at a high-rise apartment building. Witnesses described him as looking confused and anxious. They thought he might have been a lost tourist. The man approached two police officers and nervously asked for directions... to a place that no longer existed. The officers asked the young man for identification. But, there were two problems with his ID. One, his documents were issued by the Soviet Union; which no longer existed. The second problem: according to his birth date, this *young* man was born in 1932.
Your world is not as it seems. Everything you know to be true is a lie. Hidden behind the façade of our everyday lives is a secret and powerful organization with a dangerous agenda. To manipulate the minds of the masses and usher in a new world order. They call this program "Project Blue Beam". If the program is successful, we won't see it coming. Borders between nations will be dissolved; all religions will be dismantled; and technology will be turned against us. The architects of Project Blue Beam will distract us with false flag operations like global pandemics, strange weather events, and news reports of UFOs being shot down all over the world. What's frightening is: the general population will go along with Project Blue Beam, willingly; without resistance. Even more frightening? It's already begun.
On June 30th, 1908, a mysterious explosion shook the remote Siberian region of Tunguska. The blast flattened 80 million trees across 800 square miles. Every plant, every animal, every insect in the blast radius was vaporized. The shockwave was felt as far away as England. It looked like a comet impact, yet, no crater was found and no debris was discovered. Scientists still can't explain what happened. But... at that exact moment, on the other side of the world, Nikola Telsa was conducting his latest experiment: transmitting massive amounts of electricity through the atmosphere. Tesla activated the generators in his lab and fired up Wardenclyffe Tower for one final, dramatic test: and sent *millions of volts* of electricity into the sky. After the test was complete, Telsa looked at the readings on his equipment and said: "Oh no."
Which would you prefer? Eternal life or unlimited wealth? How about both? For that, you need The Philosopher's Stone: known throughout the history of alchemy as a substance that can turn base metals into gold, and grant you eternal life. The Book of Aquarius contains the instructions for The Philosopher's Stone. Although the process can take years, the ingredients are simple. You have them in your home right now. The Book of Aquarius is derived from many older texts. Including one very mysterious artifact: The Emerald Tablet; which contains not only the recipe for immortality but the secret to everything in the universe. This knowledge has been around for centuries but has been suppressed. Until now. Medieval alchemists received this knowledge from the Arabs a thousand years ago. The Arabs got it from the Egyptians two thousand years before that. But the Egyptians received this knowledge 36,000 years ago. From the most advanced culture on Earth. The Emerald Tablet comes from Atlantis.
In 1983, David Oates dropped his walkman into the toilet. If you're under 40 years old, a walkman was a portable cassette player. If you're under 30, a cassette was how we listened to music in the stone age. Anyway, after being dropped, David's tape player would only play tapes in reverse. At first, he found this entertaining. There were lots of songs that contained hidden messages that you could only hear if you played them backward. But *those* messages were placed there intentionally. Soon, David discovered messages hidden in human speech that were NOT intentional. Messages that were put there by the speaker's subconscious. Turns out, we all do this. In fact, when we lie, our subconscious actually encodes the *truth*, backward, inside the lies that we tell. This is *really* interesting. Because that means, the truth about every conspiracy is right in front of your nose. If you know how to find it.
The Gateway Process: the CIA's classified Space & Time Travel system that you can learn The United States military is always looking for new ways to create super soldiers. They use performance-enhancing and mind-altering drugs. They're currently experimenting with brain implant technology. They've even explored genetic engineering to try and *breed* the perfect soldier. But those are nothing compared to what happened in 1983; when Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell submitted a very unusual and detailed report to US Army Intelligence. It was called "Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process". This is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve an out-of-body experience for the purpose of intelligence gathering. But Colonel McDonnell's report went much further than that. An advanced Gateway participant can not just project their consciousness to a different place; They could pull their consciousness completely out of this reality. They could travel anywhere in the universe, and at any point
What Are They Hiding Underneath? The Truth about the Denver International Airport Conspiracy It's just a matter of time before it happens. Some catastrophic event that wipes out a large percentage of the Earth's population; and forces the human race to "reset". Maybe one of the 30,000 "Near Earth Objects" being tracked by NASA finally hit the Earth. Causing an extinction event on par with what wiped out the dinosaurs. Or Earth's poles finally shift. And, without its magnetic field, the planet is exposed to the raw destructive power of the Sun's radiation. Or maybe, on his deathbed, a dictator decides to go out in a blaze of glory; and launches his entire nuclear arsenal. It's just a matter of time before one of these, or one of another dozen doomsday scenarios plays out. And when that happens, world leaders like the President of the United States and Vice President will be immediately taken to underground facilities designed for this event. Key members of Congress and the military will
America's Secret Space Program and the Alien Connection Gary McKinnon was obsessed with UFOs; and believed governments were covering up evidence that UFOs exist. In the year 2000, he decided to do a little digging. Gary was a computer expert so what better place to dig than on US government computers? What he found was so shocking that it sent the entire United States government into a full-blown panic. In fact, the US spent 10 years trying to prosecute Gary. He was looking at 70 years in federal prison. But what information did Gary find that could cause the US government to become so aggressive? Aliens.
The Mystery of Exorcisms: The Dark World of Possessions Here's how it starts. Maybe it's your mother or maybe your sister. She starts complaining of headaches and strange tingling sensations in different parts of her body. Her discomfort escalates. She complains of hallucinations; she starts hearing voices. Then the seizures begin. She has trouble walking and eating. And maintaining control of her bladder. The seizures become violent. She thrashes around her bed for hours. You try to restrain her, but she suddenly has impossible strength. Her moods become erratic. She swings between fear and anger and sadness. Her speech becomes ragged and deep. She has sudden outbursts where she barks out phrases in Latin and Aramaic; languages she doesn't speak. Then, for no reason at all, the symptoms suddenly stop. And she's back to her normal self. Frightened and exhausted, but it's still her. Her doctor can't find anything wrong with her. Psychiatrists and neurologists can't explain what's happen
Some said it was half-man, half-bird; others said half-man, half-bat. But that name that stuck was "The Mothman". Though The Mothman terrorized hundreds of people for a year, it never physically harmed anyone. But 13 months later, that would change. And 46 men, women, and children would end up at the bottom of the Ohio River.
On July 25th, a NASA scientist was studying images of a region of Mars called "Cydonia" when something caught his eye. He had to take a second to process what he was seeing. He grabbed a magnifying glass. There was no doubt. On the surface of Mars, 140 million miles from Earth, was a structure in the shape of a human face.
Sacred Object or Ancient Weapon? Where is the Ark of the Covenant and what technology did it use? Even though UFOs are seen everywhere: over the desert, over the ocean, over cities; there's no way to predict when and where they'll show up. Well, no way except for one: build or detonate a nuclear weapon. Since the dawn of the atomic age, UFOs have been seen -- and photographed -- during nuclear weapons tests and near nuclear weapons facilities. The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most mysterious artifacts in human history. The Ark, a sacred chest made of wood and covered in gold, has been missing since 587 BC. Its last known location was Jerusalem, somewhere under the Temple Mount. What does this have to do with UFOs? In 2011, a UFO was hovering over the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It emitted a flash of light, then shot straight up and disappeared into the night sky. This could be just a coincidence. But it could be that the craft was looking for the Ark
Varginha UFO Crash: Alien Contact, Government Denial and Coverup. The North American Air Defense Command, known as NORAD, was established in 1958. It was to provide early warning and defense against Soviet bombers and missile launches. But it wasn't long before NORAD would be monitoring skies around the entire planet. Early in the morning, on January 13th, 1996, NORAD contacted Brazilian Air Defense to report an object entering the Earth's atmosphere about 200 miles Northeast of Sao Paolo. When asked what type of object, NORAD said it was "unidentified". A few minutes later, it crashed somewhere near the town of Varginha. The Brazilian Army and Air Force quickly scrambled to get to the crash site before any civilians did. But they were too late. The craft was seen -- and the beings driving the craft: we're gone. Over the next few days, a series of events would unfold that would change the lives of the people in Varginha forever. Well, at least the lives of the people who survived.
Surviving The Sixth Extinction: Are we too late? Of all the species that have ever existed on Earth, 99% of them are gone. Most of those were wiped out during what are known as "Mass Extinction Events". Since life emerged on our planet, there have been five mass extinctions. Sometimes these events last many years. But sometimes a mass extinction can happen very, very suddenly. Some scientists think we're on the verge of a sixth mass extinction. Others think it's already begun. But the question everybody asks is: "Is there anything we can do to stop it?"
In 1974 a group of scientists beamed a message into space. The message, meant to be received by an intelligent alien species, described life on Earth. Written in simple binary code, and using the most powerful radio telescope on the planet, the message was broadcast to a dense cluster of stars in the constellation of Hercules. This exercise was just ceremonial; a way to demonstrate new technology in radio astronomy. Nobody was really expected to receive it. And even if they did, it wouldn't be any time soon. The nearest star in the direction of the broadcast is 25,000 light-years away. So, the telescope was tuned to 2380 Megherz, aimed at Hercules, and fired up. The scientists congratulated each other, shook hands, and went on with their lives. But 27 years later, something very unexpected happened with that message beamed into deep space.
Bending Time: The Successful Time Travel Experiments using Kozyrev Mirrors. In December 1990, in a remote village above the Arctic Circle, two Russian scientists embarked on a daring experiment. Their goal was to enhance human “super-perception” or ESP. They built a device that could shield subjects from electromagnetic interference and amplify their biological energy. The device was a large tube of rolled aluminum with a chair inside. As soon as the device was built, strange phenomena occurred around the village. Disc-shaped lights hovered around the lab. Balls of energy appeared and disappeared. The Northern Lights became so bright and vivid that they seemed to take physical shape. Inside the lab, anyone who approached the device felt an unexplainable sense of dread. It took a while to persuade anyone to try it. When the first subject finally sat in the chair, a flash of energy erupted that stunned everyone in the lab. The device worked. But it maybe worked a little too well.
On April 30, 1943, in the middle of World War II, a body washed up on the shore of Huelva, Spain. The deceased man was wearing a British military uniform. There was a briefcase strapped to his body containing British and American military secrets. The man was Major William Martin, a British Royal Marine who was the single victim of a fatal plane crash at sea. He had just returned from temporary leave in London, where he had gone to the theater and purchased an engagement ring for his fiancee, Pam. But there was something very strange about Major William Martin. He didn’t exist.
It was a sunny afternoon on June 24th, 1947, and Kenneth Arnold was flying his small aircraft over Mineral, Washington. He was heading to Yakima but took a slight detour to look for a lost US Marine Corps plane. If he could find it, he’d collect a nice reward. Flying near Mount Rainier, he spotted a shiny object in his plane's mirror. Then, he saw multiple flashes of light. It looked like a group of aircraft, flying in formation. But something was wrong - these 'aircraft' didn't have tails. And they were flying faster than anything he’d ever seen. After about two minutes, the objects vanished near Mount Adams. When Kenneth landed in Yakima, he immediately told his friends and airport staff about his bizarre experience. By the time he reached Pendleton, Oregon, his story had spread. Reporters were eager to hear it. In describing the odd movement of these objects, Kenneth said it was like a teacup saucer skipping across a lake. At that moment, the term “flying saucer” was born.
In 1886, mining engineer John T. Reid was told the Paiute legend of a giant people defeated by the natives near Lovelock, Nevada. The last of the giants met their fiery end deep within the bowels of a cave. Reid’s belief in this legend stirred great interest in the secrets held within Lovelock Cave. Official excavations were undertaken in both 1912 and 1924 by the University of California, with reports telling of thousands of artifacts being recovered. Of these artifacts, the most puzzling were human remains. Well, they were almost human. Skeletons measuring between eight and ten feet tall were said to be found during the dig. Skeletons belonging to who are now known as “The Lovelock Giants.” Legends of people of enormous size are told across a myriad of cultures, And despite what we’ve been told by mainstream science, there is evidence to suggest they really existed. The remains of giants have been found all over the United States; and all over the world. So why aren’t these amazing f
The story of humans began a long time ago. Three and a half billion years ago protein molecules floated around the ooze called the primordial soup. Then something happened and a molecule made a copy of itself. And then another copy and another. Soon these molecules arranged themselves into something called a cell. Then cells clumped together and multiplied. Organisms were created. Over the next three billion years, the organisms became more complicated and more diverse. 375 million years ago one of those organisms crawled out of the sea. 4 million years ago hominids emerged. Hominids had large brains and advanced cognitive abilities. They could reason, communicate and cooperate. 200,000 years ago, homo sapiens, modern humans appeared. They developed agriculture, organized into civilizations and became masters of the planet. The story of humans began a long time ago. But all stories end. And according to many leaders in business, science and technology: we're in the final chapter.
On November 2nd, 1966, Woody Derenberger was driving home from a business trip when he encountered an extraterrestrial being named Indrid Cold. Cold communicated with Woody telepathically, and the two went on to be lifelong friends. Other people close to Woody, including family, friends, and even his therapist claimed that they, too, had experiences with Indrid Cold. Woody wrote and published a detailed account of his experiences, and never went back on his story. Since the 1960s, the legend of Indrid Cold has become one of the most famous in all of UFO lore. Taken at face value, this story sounds strange. But the real story … is even stranger.
Stanley Kubrick is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Of his 13 movies a few are considered classics in their respective genres. Including the black comedy Dr. Strangelove, the highly-quotable anti-war commentary of Full Metal Jacket, and one of the most disturbing and enduring horror films of all time, The Shining. But in 1968, Kubrick released "2001 – A Space Odyssey". This is more than a classic. It's a masterpiece. And widely regarded as one of the best science-fiction films of all time, and probably the most influential. This collaboration with science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke tells the story of an alien intelligence that visited Earth in the distant past, and left behind artifacts in the solar system. The movie features groundbreaking special effects, which still hold up today. In fact, the effects looked so good, that the movie gave the American government an idea. When it came to the moon: if they couldn't make it, they'd fake it.
September 14th, 1994 was a quiet night in Zimbabwe. Then suddenly, boom! An explosion startled people all over the country. Windows rattled. Doors shook. Shocked and confused, people sheepishly stepped outside to see what happened. Everything looked fine. They went back inside. But one woman wasn't satisfied. Cynthia Hind drove around the capital city of Harare, searching for the source of the sound but nothing seemed unusual. But back at home, Cynthia's phone rang relentlessly. She was a UFO investigator and witness reports were coming in one after another. The news claimed the sound was a sonic boom caused by a meteor shower. But Cynthia wasn't so sure. Eyewitnesses near Lake Kariba described bizarre lights in the sky earlier that week. Lights in a row that moved erratically: fast then slow. First north to south. Then east to southwest. Meteors don't do that. Cynthia suspected there was much more to the story. And two days later, she'd find out that she was right.
Cultures around the world have myths that speak of a mysterious underground kingdom that exists deep within the earth, hidden away from the primitive and violent surface-dwellers: which is us. Picture a society untouched by time, unscathed by war, and unaffected by natural disasters. A culture thriving in the vast open spaces inside the Earth. Throughout history, many have looked for physical evidence of its existence, tempted by stories of a peaceful but powerful subterranean civilization with advanced technology and ancient knowledge long forgotten by modern man. This is the story of the underground Kingdom of Agartha and the explorers who’ve said that - not only is it a real place - but they know where it is.
In 1901, Nikola Tesla had the most terrifying experience of his life. As he worked alone in his laboratory at night, he felt a presence. He created a device to see if he could hear, or pick up any signals from whatever it was that he felt. He called it the “spirit radio”, and it worked. Tesla wasn’t alone. Throughout history, famous scientists, who helped shape the technology we used today, have spoken of ghosts and hauntings that shook them to their core. And while you might think these are nothing more than ghost stories, you’re right. But there is scientific data that supports the existence of ghosts. Data that has been suppressed… until now.
Early in the morning of January 4th 2012, a strange message appeared on the internet. Just a few lines of text on an image, posted anonymously. Hello. We are looking for highly intelligent individuals. To find them, we have devised a test. There is a message hidden in this image. Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to meeting the few that will make it all the way through. Good luck 3301. Many speculated that it was a recruiting tool for the NSA, CIA, MI6, or even the Masons. But who was really behind it, and what was its purpose? Did it even have a purpose? Whether it did or not, it didn’t matter. Because when you post a puzzle on the internet looking for “highly intelligent people”, that’s a challenge that’s simply impossible to resist. So, the hunt for Cicada 3301 was on.
For thousands of years, the world has been captivated by the mystery of Atlantis. The concept of an ancient city hidden beneath the ocean is fascinating. But what if there was not just a city, but an entire continent buried beneath the waves? The continent of Lemuria is a massive landmass believed to have sunk in the Indian Ocean after some ancient, catastrophic event. Atlantis and Lemuria are similar in that they’ve sparked numerous theories, legends and interpretations. But Atlantis and Lemuria are very different in one way. There’s no proof of Atlantis.
Here’s the scene. You’re driving down a secluded road. The only lights come from your headlights. The only sounds you hear are crickets and the hum of the engine. Suddenly, a mysterious orb of light appears in the distance, floating a few feet above the ground. You get the sense that the light is aware of your presence. It darts around, beckoning you closer. It can’t be another car. There’s nothing around for miles. As you get closer to the light, it vanishes.
So, tell me... how do you like being a movie star? I can't imagine your life. You can't walk down the street without being mobbed by adoring fans. You attend power-lunches with your agent. You pose for pictures on the red carpet on your way to collect your third Academy Award. Your life sounds fun. Wait, what? You're not a movie star? That's not your life? Well, maybe not in this universe, but there is a universe out there where your life is exactly as I described. The "Many Worlds" or "Multiple Universes" theory says that anything that can possibly happen does happen. It just happens in a different reality that exists parallel to our own. Yes, some of these alternate realities are more far-fetched than others. But they are all out there. Scientists know how these realities are formed and people are working on technology to detect them. But even if we could detect alternate universes, there's no way to visit them. Or is there?
The night after Christmas, 1980, was the last time Airman First Class John Burroughs would ever lead a normal life. He was on patrol at an American-operated Woodbridge Air Force base in England. Woodbridge and nearby Bentwaters - called the Twin Bases were rumored to possess nuclear materials. This was the middle of the Cold War, and tensions were high. The threat of nuclear attack, global escalation, and more, sat heavy on the shoulders of Burroughs and his fellow servicemen. But their job was simple: keep themselves, their nation, and their allies safe. So, Burroughs conducted his nightly rounds, checking the perimeter for anything that threatened the peace. Suddenly, a bright light descended from the sky. Then another. Burroughs watched as the lights fell into the forest surrounding the base. When he and his team arrived to inspect the crash site, they were worried it was a Soviet incursion. But, what they found was far more terrifying than anything the Soviets could think of.
In July 2008, the carcass of an animal washed up on the beach at Montauk Point Long Island. Local beachcombers are used to seeing dead animals. Seagulls, fish, crabs, even the occasional whale. But they had never seen anything like this. Animal experts were brought in to identify it. They were stumped. It looked like part dog, part reptile and part rodent - with the beak of a bird. This animal, whatever it was, became known as the Montauk Monster. But where did it come from? There could be only one answer. Plum Island - just a few miles from where it was found. Locals had heard rumors that this was a top-secret government facility that created bioweapons, engineered animal hybrids and maybe even experimented on people. Sounds like a wild theory. But then another animal washed up on the beach. And then another animal. And then two more. In 2010, the rumors about Plum Island seemed to be true when something else was found on the beach. This time it wasn't a strange animal. It was a body.
The Book of Revelation says the end of the world will be announced with the sound of seven trumpets. Each blowing of the trumpet brings a new apocalyptic event. After the seventh trumpet: armageddon. For centuries, people have reported low-frequency hums, the crack of thunder on a clear day and the sound of cannon-fire in the middle of nowhere. Mysterious sounds have been heard at the bottom of the ocean and in outer space. And they’ve been heard long before modern machines and industry. Recently, people have been recording and sharing videos of these loud, unnatural sounds. And some of them? They sound a lot like trumpets.
The story of the human race is a story of technology. One of our ancestors created fire and passed that knowledge along to the next generation. Then the invention of the wheel. Then agriculture, a writing system, mathematics, space travel. Within our story, empires rise and fall. Technology progresses. Civilizations are born and die. The human race continues to innovate. All of our innovations are built on previous ones. There could be no aqueduct without the arch. There could be no metal plow until someone learned how to mine iron. There could be no light bulb, no smartphone and no computer without first understanding electricity. Our progress is linear. But sometimes an object is discovered that's completely out of place and out of time. A computer found on a sunken Roman ship. A power plant found in a 100,000-year-old cave. Evidence of a nuclear reactor from over a billion years ago. These objects shouldn't exist. But they do. So if humans didn't create these items, who did?
Since grade school, we’ve been taught that gravity is what keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground, but what if that’s all been a lie? I'm not saying if you jump off a bridge, you fall up, instead of down. But what if Newton and Einstein were wrong and what really ties our universe together is not gravity, but electricity? The Electric Universe Theory says that, instead of gravity, the universe's true attractive force comes from invisible electric currents that surround our planet, our solar system, the galaxy and everything. We are all living in one, giant, universe-spanning circuit. Mainstream science ignores this possibility. But ignoring the electric universe blinds us to an unknown risk. The myths of our ancestors describe cataclysmic, global disasters in the distant past. They knew about the electric universe too, not from science, but from experience. And our ancestors have sent us a strange, but dire warning: Beware the shocking fury of planet Saturn.
On April 7, 2016, the team running NASA’s New Horizons mission were waiting nervously. The spacecraft was about to enter the outermost reaches of our solar system. They'd aimed toward Pluto. Which lives in a region of the solar system called the Kuiper Belt. Just before arriving at the dwarf planet, the team noticed an object nearby. And it was acting very strange. This object, whatever it was, was spinning faster than everything else around it. Too fast. Artificially fast. And the object reflected light in an odd way. New Horizons changed course to do a fly-by. They wanted a better look at this bizarre behavior. But as the spacecraft approached the object, all communications went down. NASA wasn't able to see or hear anything. The New Horizons spacecraft suddenly put itself into safe mode. But nothing was broken. Something or someone was blocking the signal. Whoever it was did not want NASA to know they were here. And that they’ve been watching us for a very. long. time.
We are the descendants of an ancient civilization; one which mastered technology, mapped the cosmos, and understood our relationship with the natural world. Our ancestors traveled the world and built enormous structures. They scaled their creations into cities. They shared a common governance and similar religious beliefs. Our ancestors lived, as we do today, as a global society. Around 14,500 years ago, this global superpower started to collapse. First came uncontrollable change, and then a cataclysm. In less than a week, everything and almost everyone was gone. Those left behind built monuments. Monuments not as tributes to Gods or homage to kings. The monuments are a warning to future generations: to us. That warning is simple: danger is coming. Our civilization has ended before. And it will end again. This is one story Big Archaeology and world governments don’t want you to know. Once you hear it, you’ll never trust them again. Because the danger that’s coming? There’s nothing the
Mike fired up the box and the lasers came to life. The machine produced a small circular area of distortion. It was a vortex about eight inches across that looked like ripples above a fire. This was unexpected. Mike didn’t know what the vortex was or if it was dangerous. So he grabbed a sheet metal screw and tossed it through the field. It vanished. Mike just stared and blinked and waited. The screw was just… gone. So Mike powered down his machine and turned to head back into the house. Then he heard something clattering. It was the screw. It rolled to a stop about two feet from the box. Mike thought he invented some kind of teleportation device. He didn’t.
To most, the Mojave Desert looks barren. Jagged rock, swirling sand, and scrub brush. But the Mojave is full of life. It’s been home to native tribes for thousands of years. And the Mojave is also home to many caves; that hold many secrets. Some caves are reported to be secret entrances to underground bases. And not all of those bases are occupied by humans. Other caves are rumored to be portals to different places on earth. Or portals to different dimensions. There are caves in the desert that cause even the most experienced explorers to run away in fear. But when they gather their courage and return to the caves, they can’t find them. They’re gone. Year after year, adventures scour the Mojave; trying to solve these mysteries. Some brave souls return with incredible stories. But others go out into the desert and they’re never seen again. One of those brave souls - was Kenny Veach.
You’re not supposed to be alive. None of us are. About 10 years ago, you woke up to an eerie silence. The power was out. You went to check your phone for news but your phone was dead. Then you realized, everything was dead. Some kind of blackout, you thought. You looked out your window, confused. It looked like a normal December morning. Holiday decorations were up, though all the Christmas lights were out. You saw neighbors also peering through windows and standing on their front porches. Everyone was looking up. It looked like the stars were falling. Only, they weren’t stars. They were satellites and space debris. It was raining fire. And for the first time in your life, you saw the aurora borealis … in the middle of the day. You looked at the calendar. Today's date was supposed to mean something, but before you could remember, everything went black. It was December 21st, 2012. The end of the world.
In September 1964, Captain McLeod and Sergeant Barnes were dispatched from Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Ohio. They were sent to investigate a UFO sighting in Northern California. Wright-Patterson AFB got lots of UFO reports. 99% of them could be explained. And a sizeable percentage of those sightings were hoaxers looking for attention. The other 1% were classified as UFOs and sent on to Project Blue Book. What happened from there, McLeod didn't know. The fact that he was being sent to the other side of the country meant this sighting was important to the Air Force. McLeod had a copy of the teletyped report from the UFO tracking office. It was stamped with an unusual "Priority" notification. It read: "UFO landing with entities reported by missile technician in Tahoe NF, Sacramento. Orders: Investigate and contain via usual protocols ASAP." McLeod's first step was to interview the witness. And, even after 17 years as an investigator, this was strangest UFO story he'd ever heard.
Enoch warned the Giants and the Watchers of the world. Repent or feel God's wrath. They ignored his warning. The floodgates of Heaven burst forth and water rushed over the Earth, destroying everything. The only thing to survive is a single vessel, a huge ship: the Ark. 5 months later, the waters recede and the Ark made ground on a mountaintop. A man named Noah emerged, and civilization began again. Some version of the Noah's Ark story exists in almost every religion and every culture on Earth. But did Noah and the Ark really exist? There's evidence that they did. So much evidence that it was classified by the CIA for almost 50 years. But why classify it? Well, there are two problems with the Noah's Ark story. One, the Ark is much older than anyone thought. And two, the man named Noah? He wasn't a man. At least, not a man from Earth.
You wake up. Sleepiness fades as your eyes slowly open to a bright white light. And it feels warm and familiar; it feels like home. And your whole family is there to meet you. Your entire life flashes before your eyes, like scenes from a movie. The good. The bad. Even the awful things you've done. But everything comes together. It all finally makes sense. With this enormous weight off your shoulders, the memory of your life starts to fade, just like a dream.A familiar voice says: "We're happy you're here. We missed you. But - you can't stay." What? You just got here. You're getting kicked out already?The voice says, "They need you. But we'll see you again when the time is right." And you know, somehow, the voice is telling the truth. Suddenly, a burst of red-hot pain rips through your chest. It feels like every single cell in your body is on fire. You can't breathe. A scream forces your eyes open. It's a blood-curdling scream, like an animal being eaten alive. Then you realize: the scr
A driver sees a strange light floating above an empty road at night. At the same time, a researcher works on a machine to contact the dead. These events might seem unrelated, but they're part of humanity's long-standing interest in the supernatural. People have always been curious about ghosts, unexplained phenomena, and the possibility of life after death. Even famous inventors like Tesla and Edison were interested in the paranormal. Their competition went beyond just creating new technologies - they also tried to build devices to communicate with spirits. Throughout history, people have reported seeing shadow figures during sleep and mysterious lights in the sky. These experiences push the boundaries of what we understand about the world. Scientists continue to study these phenomena, trying to find explanations. As we learn more about our past, we discover how closely linked science and the supernatural have always been.
During the 1960s and 70s, the United States and the Soviet Union fought the Cold War on many fronts. Some of these engagements were obvious, like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the proxy wars in Asia. Other conflicts were not so obvious. In the 1970s, America and Russia engaged in a new type of warfare: psychic warfare. The CIA was actively recruiting and training people with a natural talent for remote viewing. Remote viewing is projecting your consciousness to anywhere on Earth and beyond. One remote viewer, entirely by accident, found himself at Mount Hayes in Alaska. Mount Hayes is in the middle of nowhere. There's no civilization for miles. But something was calling him to the mountain. Then he looked inside the mountain. There was a base hidden inside Mount Hayes. Then he saw - this was not a base built by humans. When multiple sources confirmed the existence of the base, they soon realized: this was only the beginning.
Like the Hubble before it, the James Webb Telescope has given us images of deep space that challenge our view of the universe; and our place in it. Every day we discover new galaxies, stars, and planets. Some of these discoveries can even exceed our own imaginations. But we spend so much time exploring the heavens that it's easy to forget about the mysteries right here at home. 70% of the Earth's surface is water. Arthur C. Clarke famously said: "How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is clearly Ocean". As of 2023, less than 25% of the sea floor has been mapped. Less than 10% of the ocean has been explored. In that tiny amount of exploration, we've found things that defy logic and challenge history — sunken cities, ancient monuments, and objects that look like they're from another world. The more we explore, the more we realize we know nothing about what lies beneath the waves. More people have walked on the moon than have visited the deepest parts of the ocean.
Humans are the apex predator. Not an apex predator. The apex predator. Other than a handful of bacteria and viruses, there’s pretty much nothing stronger, more intelligent, or more adaptable than Homo sapiens. Telling the human story from the beginning is difficult. It was a time when two words defined our world: fear and violence. It was a time when we were not the apex predator; we were their prey. We emerged from our caves during the day. Hoping we wouldn’t be hunted by the monsters in the woods. So vicious were these monsters they still live in our myths -- and our nightmares. They created a generational trauma embedded into our DNA over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. These creatures were stronger, faster, and (when it came to combat) more intelligent than we were. It’s a miracle any of us are even here. This is the story of how modern humans conquered the monsters and won the battle for the world. But here's the thing: those fearsome monsters defeated by humans?
There are extraterrestrials among us. They landed four billion years ago when Earth was just forming. And they weren't humanoids with tall, slender bodies and dark, almond-shaped eyes. The aliens were microbes, and they were delivered here. And once these aliens awakened in our mineral-rich world, they multiplied quickly and evolved. If you want to see these aliens for yourself, it's actually very easy. Just look in the mirror.
The accepted narrative describes the Knights Templar as humble warrior monks protecting Christians on the road to Jerusalem. The Knights were later betrayed and, ultimately, destroyed. But there is another story within that story. It's a legend filled with murder, mystery, and buried treasure. And it involves a secret powerful enough to rewrite history and change the world. Yes, the Templars were in Jerusalem protecting Christians. But that was their cover story. The real reason they were there was: they were looking for something. Ancient technology. So as soon as the Knights Templar arrived in the Holy Land, they started digging. And then--
Lucid dreaming is when you – not your dreaming self, your conscious self - controls the dream. You are, literally, a God. The universe is your playground. It’s exhilarating and powerful. But there is a dark side. What if: while lucid dreaming, you weren’t in control of the dream? But, someone else was? That’s no longer a dream; it’s a nightmare. And it’s no longer a playground – it’s a prison. Every night, the lights go out, you close your eyes, and he’s waiting for you.
Rumors of UFOs and other strangeness in Antarctica go back a long time. Operation Highjump arrived in 1946 with a heavily armed US Navy fleet. Their mission was to extend American sovereignty over Antarctica. The mission was supposed to take six months. Instead, it lasted six weeks. The Operation ended because of poor weather. At least, that's the official report. Eyewitnesses said aggressive flying craft chasing the Navy out of the area.There are witnesses who have seen things, heard things, and felt things that should not exist in Antarctica. Yet they do. Whatever's down there, we're not supposed to know about it. But one thing's for sure, something very strange - and very important - is happening at the bottom of the world.
Cryptids have captured our curiosity for ages. Tales of mysterious and elusive creatures roaming the wilderness spark our imagination. In this first installment of... quite a few, we explore three famous cryptids that have left big footprints on popular culture (ahem). Bigfoot sightings go back centuries. We investigate theories on Gigantopithecus, hear (and see) compelling accounts from seemingly credible witnesses. And, of course, we'll discuss the famous Patterson-Gimlin Film. The Loch Ness Monster. One of my personal favorites. There are photographs, film and video. Could Nessie be the last surviving dinosaur? The Chupacabra. Starting in 1995, this vampiric predator terrorized Puerto Rico, massacring livestock. Theories on alien experiments and genetic mutations attempt to explain its sudden appearance.
Mankind didn't evolve at all. Mankind was engineered: purpose-built to be the perfect slaves for a race of far superior beings who, according to ancient texts, descended from the heavens. Eventually, the slaves rebelled. And our masters - tried to destroy us in a great flood. Sumerian texts, Egyptian religions, Ancient Indian myths, Native American legends - even the Bible. They all tell the same story. It's the story of Gods and Men. It's the story of the Annunaki.
At the height of the space race in the late 1970s, the Viking probes successfully landed on Mars – collecting pictures, data, and samples from the red planet. It was so successful that Soviet scientists wanted their shot at glory. But their focus wasn’t on Mars. It was on its moon, Phobos; named after the Greek God of fear. After all, if NASA could land on Mars, landing on one of its moons should be easy, right? Well, it turns out Mars’ largest moon was right to be named after the Greek God of fear. Because as barren as the landscape looks, as impossible as it is to live there... something does. And that something, doesn’t want to be seen.
For decades, we've heard about the catastrophic effects of fossil fuel pollution. For just as long, I've been hearing that global warming is a myth. The two sides are constantly at each other's throats. But it's a fight that's completely unnecessary. The technology to create unlimited, clean, free energy has existed for over a hundred years. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of inventors have created machines that pull energy out of thin air. Machines that could defy gravity, levitate, and fly. Machines that bend the fabric of spacetime itself. These machines sound - not just like science fiction - they sound like magic. So, where are these magical devices? Well, when the inventors patented and publicized their technology, they performed another magic trick: they disappeared.
Charles Hall, a former weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base, shares his incredible story of encountering the Tall Whites, an extraterrestrial species working with the US military. These chalk-white aliens, standing up to 9 feet tall, have been influencing human technology and evolution for decades. Charles's friendship with a Tall White known as "The Teacher" led him to discover hidden alien facilities and the shocking truth about their presence on Earth. Uncover the secrets of the Tall Whites, from their advanced scout crafts to their underground bases, and explore the startling implications of their alliance with the US government and the hidden reality of alien-human cooperation.
In a remote corner of Alaska, a military officer stumbles upon a chilling discovery—an enormous pyramid buried deep under the icy wilderness, possibly larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza. The initial sighting during a seismic event leads to whispers of ancient technologies and hidden histories. The local news coverage mysteriously vanishes overnight. Witnesses and insiders offer conflicting stories, fueling speculations about secret military involvement and otherworldly energies. It's become known as the Dark Pyramid or Black Pyramid. What are the origins of this enigmatic structure? Why is it buried? Why so much security and secrecy? Could this be buried technology that holds truths about our past and power beyond our understanding?
Imagine a world where the genetic code is as easy to edit as a simple copy-and-paste. This is the reality of CRISPR, a revolutionary technology that could cure diseases and save countless lives. But in the wrong hands, it may lead to a dark future. Unlocking the secrets of DNA and the rapid evolution of AI is creating unintended consequences.
Malta is an island rich with history and legends with mysterious megalithic structures that have puzzled archaeologists for centuries. These massive stone temples, some of the oldest in the world, seem almost impossible to have been built by prehistoric farmers. But there's more lurking beneath the surface. Legends say the Nephilim were the giant beings who constructed these incredible structures, and their descendants may still dwell underground today. We investigate the possibility of these giants, examining bones, elongated skulls, and mysterious hidden subterranean chambers called The Hypogeum. Use code THEWHYFILES50 to get 50% OFF your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month of orders at!
The history of medicine goes back to the dawn of mankind when ancient healers used special herbs to treat illnesses. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, laid the foundation for modern medical practice: observation, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. His work set the stage for centuries of medical progress. In the 19th century, Edward Jenner created a smallpox vaccine, and Louis Pasteur proved microorganisms caused disease. The 20th century brought antibiotics, medical imaging, and organ transplants. In the past 400 years, the human lifespan has doubled. But something happened to medicine along the way. It became an industry. A profitable one. President Eisenhower warned against creating a "military-industrial complex" because if you make war profitable, you'll always have war. He was right. So, here's a cynical question: If you make illness profitable, will you always have illness?
The far side of the moon has been a mystery since the dawn of the space age. But is it just a barren, crater-filled wasteland? Shocking claims from astronauts, whistleblowers, and classified documents suggest there's more to the story. Eerie sounds, inexplicable sightings, and covert missions point to something astounding hidden from public view. We examine the evidence, from Apollo-era transcripts to modern military insiders. The implications are staggering, hinting at a secret history beyond our world.
DARPA is the secretive U.S. defense agency behind groundbreaking technologies like the internet and GPS. It uncovers DARPA's lesser-known projects and controversial experiments that push ethical boundaries. The episode weighs DARPA's positive innovations against its more questionable endeavors. Does the agency's pursuit of cutting-edge tech justify some of its shadier activities? You'll discover surprising facts about DARPA's influence on daily life and national security. This enigmatic organization shapes our world in ways most people never realize. Ultimately, you'll be left pondering whether DARPA is a force for good -- or cause for concern.
Operation Gladio | How The Mob Financed The CIA's Secret Army After World War II, the CIA hatched a covert plan to stop Soviet expansion in Europe. They created a secret army, recruiting an unexpected mix of allies. This clandestine operation, known as Gladio, spanned across all NATO countries. What began as a defensive strategy quickly morphed into something far more sinister. Innocent civilians became casualties in a shadow war fought on European streets. #OperationGladio #CIA #Conspiracy
Al Bielek lived an ordinary life until vivid dreams and a late-night movie unlocked memories of an extraordinary past. He claimed to be Edward Cameron, a participant in the infamous Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Bielek's tale spans decades, involving time travel, secret government projects, and encounters with future civilizations. His story intertwines with the mysterious Montauk Project, allegedly continuing the work begun in Philadelphia. As Bielek shared his experiences, he became a prominent figure in UFO and conspiracy circles. His accounts challenge our understanding of reality, raising questions about time, space, and government secrecy. Was Bielek truly a time traveler, or was his story an elaborate fiction? Ride this rollercoaster of twists and turns, then decide for yourself.
On a quiet October night in 1973, two friends were fishing in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Their lives changed forever when a strange craft appeared. Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker's terrifying experience became one of the most compelling UFO cases in history. What happened during those missing 20 minutes? Why did these men insist they were telling the truth for decades? But there's more to this story than just one night. There are many similar encounters and many possible explanations, both natural and supernatural. Whether the story is true or not, one thing is for sure: It was a nightmare.
Imagine a world where a small group of people control everything - the economy, politics, even the information you receive. Now, what if I told you this world already exists? In luxurious hotels, behind closed doors, the most powerful people on the planet gather. They're not just wealthy - they're presidents, prime ministers, and CEOs of global corporations. These meetings aren't publicized. There are no minutes, no records. The attendees are sworn to secrecy. But their decisions impact your life in ways you can't imagine. From the price of gas to the wars we fight, from the technology in your pocket to the money in your bank account - it all traces back to these clandestine gatherings. Who are these people? What do they want? And most importantly, what does it mean for the rest of us?
Imagine walking down a familiar street when suddenly everything changes. The asphalt beneath your feet transforms into cobblestone, cars vanish, replaced by horse-drawn carriages. The air fills with the scent of coal smoke and horse manure. People in Victorian-era clothing hurry past, glancing at you suspiciously. Panic sets in as you realize you're no longer in your own time. Then, just as quickly, you're back in the present day. You just had a Time Slip, and you're not alone. Thousands of people worldwide have reported experiencing time slips. They briefly travel through time, witnessing scenes from the past or future before returning to the present. Are these experiences vivid hallucinations, or could they be glimpses into the true nature of time and reality? Today, we cover a few famous Time Slip stories and the scientific theories that might explain them.
In the winter of 1990, a small Bulgarian village became the site of a secretive military operation known as "Operation Sunray." Officially, they were searching for buried treasure, but the truth was far more disturbing. Deep beneath the surface, something ancient and malevolent was waiting to be discovered. The locals spoke of strange lights in the sky, mysterious vibrations in the earth, and whispers coming from nowhere. As the excavation progressed, the soldiers began to experience unexplainable phenomena—malfunctioning equipment, shadowy figures, and a growing sense of dread. The deeper they dug, the stronger the presence became, as if it was drawing them in. Despite the warnings of psychics and local legends, the military pressed on, driven by a desire for what they believed to be a powerful artifact. But what they found was not a treasure—it was an entity that had been sealed away for a reason. As the operation spiraled out of control, it became clear that some secrets are meant t
Terry Lovelace, a former Air Force medic, kept a terrifying secret for 40 years. A routine x-ray in 2012 revealed a mysterious object in his leg, awakening memories of a camping trip gone wrong. In 1977, Terry and his friend witnessed something extraordinary at Devil's Den State Park. Their encounter with a massive triangular craft led to missing time and unexplained injuries. Years later, Terry faces a choice: reveal the truth about alien contact or stay silent. His decision puts him at odds with powerful forces and uncovers a conspiracy that reaches beyond our world.
You wake up one morning, and the world has changed. Overnight, archaeological discoveries have shaken the foundations of every major religion, causing chaos and confusion. Before you can process this information, the sky transforms. Massive, hyper-realistic projections of gods appear above every major city. They speak directly to their followers. Not through their ears - through their minds. As panic spreads, reports of UFO sightings flood in from around the globe. World leaders call for unity in the face of the extraterrestrial threat. In 48 hours, your entire reality has been upended. This isn't science fiction. According to some, this is Project Blue Beam - an alleged plan by powerful elites to reshape the world as we know it. But how much of this is true? And what can we do to prepare?
How closely have you looked at the one-dollar bill? You've seen that unfinished pyramid and mysterious eye thousands of times, but have you ever wondered why they're there? These symbols connect to an intricate web of signs that stretches from ancient Egypt through medieval secret societies to today's corridors of power. These aren't meaningless decorations; they are tools of influence and control. From the owl hidden in plain sight to corporate logos to architectural designs, these markers tell a story. They speak directly to your subconscious, shaping your thoughts and behavior without you realizing it. Influencing you to accept their secret plan. But the plan isn't very secret -- when you know how to read the signs.
In 1973, while the world watched the Apollo missions end, something extraordinary happened in the Amazon jungle. A rocket carried humanity's most advanced spacecraft toward Mars, crewed by familiar names: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Ilyushin. Project Redsun united Cold War enemies to pursue a singular goal - establishing a human presence on Mars. The mission succeeded, but the crew discovered something that changed everything. Decades later, whistleblowers emerged with photographs, documents, and footage that paint an astonishing picture of space exploration's hidden history.
Deep beneath New Jersey's Pine Barrens, something impossible exists. A vast network of caves pulses with electrical energy that shouldn't exist in sedimentary rock. Scientists found identical formations in West Virginia, Oklahoma, and the Congo Basin. Each location harbors its own legendary creature - the Jersey Devil, the Flatwoods Monster, the Adair Beast, and Mokele-mbembe. The underground grids match perfectly, creating a mathematical pattern that grows larger each year. These tunnels stretch toward a central point, as if following an ancient blueprint. Government researchers noticed one final detail: the electrical signatures aren't random noise. They form precise, repeating sequences - too exact to occur naturally.
For decades, a piece of his skull sat in a Russian archive - our most decisive proof that the most evil man of the 20th century died in 1945. When scientists finally tested the bone in 2009, they discovered it belonged to a woman under 40. The evidence we trusted for over 60 years was fake. Stalin insisted the dictator escaped to Argentina. The FBI conducted their longest manhunt ever looking for him. Recently, researchers found a military submarine deliberately hidden off Argentina's coast. When asked to investigate, authorities said no. They're still saying no. The truth remains buried in sealed files across three continents. But the bigger question isn't whether he escaped - it's who helped him. Because if history's greatest monster survived, he didn't do it alone. He was protected by a network that reached from Berlin to the Vatican to Argentina -- to Washington D.C.
A construction worker discovers a massive tunnel system while breaking ground for a new building. Meanwhile, deep in the Nevada desert, scientists detect unusual seismic activity that doesn't match any known geological patterns. These events might seem unconnected, but they're part of humanity's complex relationship with what lies beneath. Throughout history, people have built elaborate underground networks - from ancient catacombs to modern military bunkers. Even now, mysterious tunnels are being discovered under cities worldwide, their purposes unknown. Some say they're remnants of lost civilizations. Others claim they're proof of secret government projects. Scientists continue mapping the vast caverns and passages honeycombing Earth's crust, finding new mysteries with each expedition. As we dig deeper into our planet's hidden spaces, we uncover evidence that challenges our understanding of human history. What secrets still wait to be discovered in the darkness below?
Deep beneath Earth's mountains lie secrets that could reshape our understanding of human history and technological capability. Mountains like Shasta, Hayes, and the pyramids of Giza possess qualities that defy conventional explanation - perfect alignments, unusual magnetic properties, and inexplicable energy signatures. Military agencies have spent decades investigating these peaks through classified programs, and witnesses report strange phenomena that science struggles to explain. Ancient texts speak of mountains harboring tremendous power and describe technologies that sound remarkably similar to modern energy generation and distribution concepts. Some of these mountains contain facilities that seamlessly integrate human and non-human operations, suggesting cooperation beyond what official sources acknowledge. The evidence points to a hidden truth: many of Earth's most prominent peaks might serve purposes far beyond their natural geological roles.
In December 1999, Sweden's most notorious UFO skeptic sat down for an interview that would challenge everything he believed. Ole K. had spent his career exposing hoaxes and debunking paranormal claims. The being who called herself Lacerta revealed an underground civilization that had existed alongside humanity for millions of years. She explained humanity's true origins as a series of genetic experiments and warned of the imminent return of our creators. From the mysteries of Derinkuyu to the truth about the dinosaurs' extinction, this story connects ancient mysteries to modern questions about human consciousness and evolution.
A mysterious data transfer lights up NSA monitors at 3 AM. Within hours, hospital records flash across Times Square billboards. Dating app messages spill onto every screen in the city. Bank accounts vanish. Traffic lights freeze. Autonomous vehicles crash through shopping malls. Intelligence agencies scramble as decades of encrypted messages suddenly unlock. Someone has broken the unbreakable - the mathematical foundations that protect everything from banking passwords to nuclear launch codes. The quantum apocalypse arrives years ahead of schedule. But as chaos spreads, patterns start to surface. The timing seems too perfect, the targets too precise. Deep beneath the Pentagon, analysts notice something strange: some messages were decrypted months ago. The chaos isn't random - it's cover for something bigger.
Scientists discovered something impossible in Chernobyl's radioactive ruins - life is thriving where nothing should survive. Animals aren't just living in lethal radiation zones, they're evolving faster than nature should allow. From Chernobyl to Bikini Atoll, creatures are activating ancient genetic sequences designed to process radiation. These same genes appear in human DNA, raising profound questions about our own origins. The implications stretch from Earth's ancient past to humanity's future among the stars. What we're learning about life in Earth's most radioactive places is changing our understanding of human potential.
A summer barbecue transformed into a nightmare when lightning split the sky above Somerset, England. Peter Williamson dashed across his rain-soaked lawn to rescue his terrified dog, unaware that his next step would carry him beyond the boundaries of our world. His family watched in horror as a blinding flash illuminated his silhouette against the stormy sky. When their vision cleared, Peter had evaporated into thin air. The police launched a search, but found no footprints, no scorch marks, and no explanation for how a man could disappear from a walled garden. Sixteen witnesses swore they watched him vanish in plain sight. Three days passed before Peter materialized in his backyard, wearing unfamiliar clothes and carrying items that defied explanation. His memories painted a picture of a hospital that both existed and didn't exist, where reality shimmered like heat waves rising from summer pavement. The investigation into his disappearance uncovered something extraordinary: evidenc
Compilation: The Moon is Weird The moon, Earth's constant companion, harbors secrets that challenge everything we think we know. This compilation explores mind-bending theories of the Moon's true nature and purpose. From claims of hollow interiors to allegations of alien bases, these ideas push the boundaries of conventional wisdom. Experts and researchers present evidence suggesting the moon might be artificially constructed or even a cosmic prison. Ancient myths and modern scientific anomalies intertwine, painting a picture of a lunar landscape filled with mystery. Some theorists propose the moon affects human behavior in ways we've yet to fully comprehend. We'll explore the Apollo missions, extraterrestrial involvement, and the moon's role in human history. You're about to see the Moon in an entirely new light. Brought to you by the Hecklefish for President campaign. Hecklefish: The Hero We Deserve.
Many mysteries are hidden within the Bible's pages, from the controversial Chronovisor device allegedly used by the Vatican to view past events to the enduring search for Noah's Ark and its potential alien origins. This compilation reveals that the Knights Templar knew of these mysteries and spent centuries hunting ancient artifacts—and found them. We also examine the messages encoded within sacred texts and their potential to predict future events. This compilation connects biblical narratives with the Knights Templar with advanced civilizations like Atlantis. The stories you thought you knew may be more complex and fascinating than you ever imagined.
The Why Files loves to make you question everything you thought you knew about reality. This collection of nine astonishing true stories spans from vanishing hikers to cosmic threats, mysterious monuments to clandestine operations. Each episode pushes the boundaries of belief, challenging our understanding of the world around us. Uncover the secrets behind enigmatic phenomena, explore covert government projects, and confront uncomfortable truths.