The Weekenders

The Weekenders is an original Disney animated television series which focuses on a group of hardcore friends named Tino, Lor, Carver and Tish who spend their weekends trying to have as much fun as possible. While sometimes their weekends are far from what they plan, they usually manage to work together with the help of some advice from Tino's mother, and things usually work out in the end. Their weekends often consist of visiting various Pizza Parlors and ultimately to have the perfect weekend, though their weekends seldomly go as planned. The central setting of the cartoon is that it takes place only on the weekends, though in some cases it does show certain days of the week in order to show the cause of the episode or the end result thereof. It also has various quirks, like Tino's gray screen and the end-of-episode catchphrase, "Later days!".

Deutsch English italiano
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 2
Season 1 February 2000 May 2000 16
Season 2 September 2000 March 2001 25
Season 3 September 2001 December 2001 24
Season 4 October 2002 February 2004 8
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Season 1 February 2000 May 2000 16
Season 2 September 2000 March 2001 25
Season 3 September 2001 December 2001 24
Season 4 October 2002 February 2004 8
Unassigned Episodes 2
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 75
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Steven Lyons 32 09/09/2001 - 11/07/2003
Steve Lyons 1 03/04/2000
Julie Morgavi 1 03/04/2000
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Doug Langdale 13 02/26/2000 - 12/02/2001
Heather Lombard 10 03/25/2000 - 11/25/2001
Evan Gore 10 03/25/2000 - 11/25/2001
Peter Gaffney 5 09/30/2001 - 10/28/2001
Larry Spencer 5 04/01/2000 - 11/07/2003
David Warick, Amy De Bartolomeis 4 10/14/2001 - 10/19/2002
Dan O'Connor, Steve Atinsky 2 11/11/2001
Brian Palermo 2 09/23/2001
Lance Spencer 2
Jonathan Rosenthal 1 05/06/2000
Rachel Powell 1
David Warick 1
Amy DeBartalomes 1

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