Weng Wen-fang came from a political family. She joined the Justice Party as the deputy director and spokesperson of the Publicity Department, after failing to be re-elected as a member of the Council. She led the publicity team in realizing their goals, but not without facing many challenges to their faith and values.
Alors qu'une élection houleuse se profile, les membres d'une équipe de campagne font face à des choix difficiles dans un paysage politique redoutable.
As eleições presidenciais estão chegando, e a equipe de campanha vai ter que fazer escolhas difíceis em meio a um cenário político implacável.
Con las elecciones a la vuelta de la esquina, un equipo de campaña debe confrontar decisiones difíciles y un panorama político implacable.
Kiihkeiden vaalien lähestyessä kampanja-avustajien tiimin on tehtävä vaikeita valintoja armottomassa poliittisessa ympäristössä.