The adventures of Task The Kobold Ranger, Borky the Barbarian Orc, Panic Grimtongue the Tiefling Bard and Greckles the kenku Rogue continue on the mysterious new frontier continent of Alivast. Will The Unexpectables be able to rescue the young girl who was lost?
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
20 years into the Age of Etheal, after The Unexpectables saved the world, a new story with new heroes begins to unfold...
The Reclaimers continue their journey to Ironkind. With a potential Bead of Hoketh on the horizon, how will they navigate the dwarven lands under perpetual dragon attack?
The Reclaimers continue to explore Ironkind and prepare to set out for Pud in pursuit of a Pearl of Necrecta, but with strange rumors surrounding the town, what is in store for our heroes?
As Otho and Milo meet alone with the Lord’s Council, something unsettling pervades the air over Pud. Will the Reclaimers get to the bottom of these mysterious disappearances?
The Reclaimers struggle to overcome the sleeping curse and the monster that comes with it. With only Gaius able to attempt to shrug off its effects, the party hatches a plan to get to the bottom of the situation.
The Reclaimers search Pud for answers to their predicament. Will they be able to evade the beast that stalks at night?
The Reclaimers plot their next move as the mysteries surrounding the events in Pud become more clear, and their plans begin to unfold.
The Reclaimers are exploring their options to retrieve the Pearl of Necrecta and learn what they can about the troubles surrounding Pud.
In a warehouse in Pud, the Reclaimers have been spotted by a strange floating mechanical eye! Will they be able to escape and continue their plans to liberate the merchant town?
The Reclaimers plans have failed catastrophically, and now with the party split and time running short, will they grasp victory from the jaws of defeat?
The Reclaimers hatch a plan to break their allies out of jail, but with so many unknowns, there’s no telling what may happen.
With The Reclaimers once again whole, the quest for the pearl can finally continue. However, they are still trapped in a building full of enemies, and a beast circling outside. Find out if they survive the night.
The Reclaimers continue sneaking through the Lord’s Council chamber of Pud, but in the lair of the enemy, will they find more foes than friends?
With the Lord’s Council of Pud nearby and one vault key already in hand, will the Reclaimers remain true to their namesake?
The Reclaimers are finally face to face with the monster that has been prowling Pud at night, but weakened from their fight with the Lord’s Council, the situation has become all the more tense.
With the threat of the Lord’s Council and the Asphyxialix seemingly over, The Reclaimers finally find a moment to relax and recuperate.
The Reclaimers survey the changes in Isenvale since they’ve been gone, and with a potential new ally and her cohort of Ogres and Goblins occupying Isentown, change certainly is on the wind.
The Reclaimers, after some rest in Isenvale, head towards Meadowfield, but encounter a giant, moving city. Their curiosity leads them into dangerous situations.
The Reclaimers face off against hill giants as their interaction with the locals goes sideways, putting their survival to the test.