Haifeng deduces that Zhihan is the murderer. It could be that Caifa found out Wenkang was Zhihan and Lizhu’s child, and confronted Zhihan. Losing his senses, perhaps, Zhihan then killed Caifa, Tingting and Wenkai in one fell swoop. Lizhu could have been present at the crime scene. Qingxiong announces that Pinghe has changed his mind and given the go-ahead on the investigations, on condition Caishun and Lizhu are not told. Yuyang approaches Lizhu without telling the others. She finds out about the ambiguous relationship between Ah Jiao and Caishun. The tattoo on Zhihan’s arm leads Qingxiong to locate the former leader of a secret society. Qingxiong was told that Zhihan was with the gang at the time of the murder. It is impossible that Zhihan was Lizhu’s alibi as he had claimed. It also negates the possibility that Zhihan was the murderer. Haifeng looks through the file again. He notices that the broken fish tank found at the crime scene was far from its original position. CCI realises the fish tank was smashed on purpose. Under a special arrangement by Rongtao (Guo Liang), Yuyang and Haifeng examine the evidence collected from the crime scene. They find three ambiguities: a broken lens was found amongst the broken glass from the fish tank; Tingting’s hairclip was stained with blood; and cotton fibre was found between Tingting’s teeth. Haifeng finds an old photo of Caishun wearing glasses. He figures out that Caishun was the murderer, based on his height. He could have broken his glasses when he committed the crime and smashed the fish tank to cover it up. Later on, Ah Jiao discloses that Wenkang was her son, fathered by Caifa. Haifeng suspects Wenkai and Tingting died of suffocation after being pinned under Caishun’s body. This explains why cotton fibre was found in Tingting’s mouth. Yuyang informs Pinghe that Caishun is most likely the murderer. It only takes a DNA test to prove it. Pinghe is unable to accept the outcome of the investigation.