Home / Series / The Trump Show / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 2

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Key players, including Rudy Giuliani, Stormy Daniels, Steve Bannon and ambassador John Bolton, shed light on Trump’s second year as he faces challenges from his past. Trump is finding his feet as president. But an encounter from his past threatens to catch up with him as adult film star Stormy Daniels claims she was paid to keep quiet about a sexual encounter with Trump. This episode brings reminders of Trump's biggest challenge to date - the 2016 scandal that threatened to upend his campaign for office when recordings of Trump talking about ‘grabbing’ women came to light. But Trump weathered that storm with an extraordinary moment of audacious showmanship, proving that bullish, bold narratives play well with his audience. It looks briefly like Stormy might have the power to out-Trump Trump, but he brazenly withstands pressure from the press, even in the face of new revelations from his former lawyer Michael Cohen

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Rob Coldstream Director