Six weeks into the trial of Oscar Pistorius, he takes the stand to explain what happened in the early hours of February 14th, 2013. In 2012, Pistorius had left South Africa to prepare for the London Olympics. That summer was the peak of his career – competing against able-bodied athletes in the 400 meters and qualifying for the semi-finals, a remarkable achievement. A few weeks later, he faltered at the Paralympics. Rather than the victory lap expected, he was beaten, and afterwards, was ungracious about the loss. The following months saw Pistorius change. He became involved with a different crowd, whilst growing infatuated with guns and paranoid about security. At this point, he also met Reeva, the start of a whirlwind romance on the surface, that would soon end with him murdering her. In the witness stand he stumbles in his response to tough questioning. When the verdict for manslaughter comes, the judge calls Pistorius a “very poor witness”. The verdict of culpable homicide (the equivalent of manslaughter) was overturned on appeal and upgraded to murder. His sentence is increased from 5 to 6 years – and then on a further appeal increased to 15 years. He remains in prison in South Africa.