Discover the origins of the Tower of London, from its early founding during the Norman Conquest of England to its early expansions as a Fortress.
The Tower has been host to a wide variety of famous and infamous prisoners, including Bishop Ranulf Flambard, who escaped using a smuggled rope hidden in wine; Guy Falkes, of Gunpowder Plot fame; and Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII.
The Tower's treasure house was built during the reign of Henry III and has since developed its own peculiar history of employment and attempted theft, the most famous of which was the failed plot of Colonel Thomas Blood in 1671.
Over 900 years ago, The Tower of London was conceived with war in mind. This installment puts the viewer in the thick of battle as we explore how the Tower held up, adapted, and how it faced adversity during wars through the centuries.
This is the story of when the Tower really was a home of royalty. Take a rare peek at the parts of the Tower which no longer exist, including a secret, concealed gate, which allowed private access to the royal apartments.
A tourist attraction since at least the Elizabethan Period, the Tower of London is London's oldest tourism hot spot. One of the most popular attractions in England, the Tower welcomes a variety of interesting guests from around the world.
The carnage and bloodshed of the Tower's history is the subject of this chapter, documenting the horror that has occurred both inside and outside the Tower through the centuries. This is the story of execution and murder at the Tower.
This final episode of the series looks at the history of those who've served as Constable of the Tower, historically a position which came with heavy burdens and considerable responsibilities, but also had lucrative perks.