Experience the swashbuckling adventure of 'The Three Musketeers,' a delightful 1973 animated special from Hanna-Barbera's Australian team. This charming remake brings a fresh twist to the 1968 classic cartoon, both inspired by Alexander Dumas' timeless 1844 novel. It premiered on 1973, as a treasured part of CBS's 'Famous Classic Tales' series.
Tooly overhears Count Duvak's plan to challenge the crown of Spain. He is then kidnapped and rescued by the Musketeers, who overcome Count Duvak's evil plans.
The Musketeers are assigned to guard the Jewel of India, which is to be given to the queen of Spain as a gift to keep the peace. The jewel is stolen, and the Musketeers must get it back.
The Musketeers intercept a letter from Duke Lavauh plotting treachary against the king. The duke kidnaps Constance, the Queen's handmaiden, to exchange for the return of his letter. The Musketeers attempt to rescue Constance and stop the Duke.
While visiting the king, Prince Abdhul has his pet monkey, Habib, steal the king's ring. He then uses the ring to order all the guards and Musketeers away while he loots the king's treasury. It's up to Tooly to inform the Musketeers.
Lazaraque, the puppetmaster, and his little people steal the royal crown. It's up to the Musketeers and Tooly to get it back.
The Musketeers are captured by "His Excellency" and must escape.
After the king is taken prisoner and replaced by his long, lost evil twin brother, the evil king abolishes the Musketeers by decree. With Tooly's help, the Musketeers rescue the true king, but the evil twin gets away.
While trying to stop a pirate named the "Black Corsair" from capturing the king's ship (the "Man of War"), Tooly and Porthos are taken prisoner. Tooly escapes to get the Musketeer's help to come and rescue Porthos.
The Falconer trains his falcon, Diablo, to kidnap the Prince to be held hostage. Diablo kidnaps Tooly by mistake and the Musketeers must save him.
While the Musketeers are on a mission for the queen, Tooly must stay home and go to sleep. He then dreams the queen needs him to recover her jewels that were stolen by Count DeMardem (the evil masked one). He then must deliver a treaty to the Duke of Burgundy without falling into enemy hands. The queen's cousin, Princess Marie, needs an escort back to her palace.
Baron Barok attempts to take the crown.
The Musketeers must recover the stolen defense plans from the Red Duke (the Prime Minister).
The Musketeers try to catch the Oulaw Archer, but their plans are temporarily foiled by the "helpful" Tooly.
Tooly is captured while trying to help a woman named Marie, who is being held prisoner by her brother. When Constance and the Musketeers get worried, the Musketeers go looking for him.
When the Musketeers investigate a haunted castle, all get captured but one. But the one committing the thefts and hiding out as ghosts at the castle turns out to be Martineau, the highwayman.
Tooly receives a surprise from the Musketeers -- a young pony named Bon Bon. Lightning gets jealous and must help Tooly and Bon Bon when they are attacked by a big bull.
Tooly attends a fair where he is kidnapped during a plot to steal the Queen's jewels. The Three Musketeers must then free Tooly, and recover the stolen jewels.
The Three Musketeers come to the aide of Tooly, who inadvertently discovers the thief that stole the gold Bando from the King's carriage.