Baylor Carlyle demands the resignation of his son-in-law Philip Hastings because of embezzlement.
Baylor learns that he only has a short time to live and decides to bring Duncan into the bank.
Baylor grants Duncan's request for a bank loan to Miguel Santerra after meeting with the revolutionary.
Tracy and Antaeus Riakos meet again after a twenty-year absence.
Jeff leaves home to go live with his friends Tom and Sheila.
Philip offers Tracy a divorce in exchange for her share of the bank when Baylor dies.
Philip discovers that the Carlyle Bank has financed Santerra's revolution.
Tracy tells Jeff that Philip is not his father.
Riakos tells Senator Jennings of the Carlyle Bank's involvement in the Santerra revolution.
Baylor is subpoenaed to testify before the Senate about his bank loan to Santerra's revolutionary group.
Duncan finds Baylor dead.
Duncan tells Tracy he suspects Philip of murder.
The reading of Baylor's will is interrupted by the appearance of his widow, Eleanor.
Philip announces that he and Eleanor will fight Baylor's will.
Duncan is injured in an automobile accident, and in the subsequent investigation, police find that it was no accident.