母胎单身七流编剧陈小千呕心沥血写了一部古装题材大剧,原可顺利开机,却因为演员韩明星对剧本感情戏质疑过多而崩盘。愤懑难平发誓要证明自己能力的她,意外卡进了自己的剧本,变身花垣城地位尊贵但恶评满国的三公主。原本一个活不过三集 的小女配,为了活命开编剧副本,逆转荒唐人生,在不懂套路的犬系少城主韩烁和人设完美外貌满分的花垣城司学裴恒之间,最终学会爱与成长.
A screenwriter finds herself becoming a character in the script of her own creation. However, she is not meant to live past three episodes!
Chen Xiaoqian is a writer who poured blood, sweat and tears into creating a big female-centric drama. What could have started filming smoothly quickly turned south because of actor Han Mingxing's reservations about the script.
Feeling wronged, Chen Xiaoqian vows to prove herself yet she accidentally gets stuck in a parallel world where her story has come to life. Now known as the 3rd princess Chen Qianqian, she is an insignificant side character with a horrid reputation that is not meant to live long in the story. In order to live, she starts on a road to reverse her fate. She also gets caught in between the arrogant and black-bellied prince Han Shuo and the practically perfect Pei Heng.
Kaplan ve Gül’ün aşkı, Zhao Lusi ve Ding Yuxi'nin oynadığı 2020 Çin web dizisidir. Kendi senaryosuna hapsedilen senarist Chen Xiaoqian’in hikayesini anlatılmakta.