Season one originally aired on ABC as "Rocky and His Friends". It contained two major story arcs - 'Jet Fuel Formula' and 'Box Top Robbery'. 'Jet Fuel Formula' tells the story of Rocky's and Bullwinkle's discovery of a recipe for rocket fuel. They lose the recipe and the government tries to help them re-discover it, all while Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, spies from Pottsylvania try to steal it. At the same time the moonmen Gidney and Clyde achieve fame but pine to return to the moon. 'Box Top Robbery' tells how counterfeiters are destroying the economy, which is based upon box tops. Can Bullwinkle's prized collection of thousands of box tops save the day and foil the plans of Boris and Natasha? All episodes also contain episodes of Fractured Fairy Tales, Bullwinkle's Corner (in which Bullwinkle interprets various pieces of literature), and Peabody's Improbable History in which Peabody and his boy Sherman travel to various places and times in the WABAC machine.