Neve Kelly discovers that she is dead and understandably is scared and confused by this new stare, but when she realises she has been murdered, she is furious. Determined to find her killer and get justice, she takes advantage of her new supernatural abilities to go where the police can't and investigate her own death.
Die Jugendliche Neve Kelly rettet sich aus den Tiefen eines Sees an Land. Als sie erschöpft zu Hause ankommt, muss sie feststellen, dass niemand sie wahrnehmen kann. Was ist ihr zugestoßen?
La giovane Neve Kelly riesce a riemergere dalle profondità di un lago. Arrivata a casa, esausta e spaventata, si rende conto che nessuno è in grado di vederla.
Neve Kelly pelastautuu itse järven syvyyksistä, mutta huomaa, ettei kukaan näe häntä.