Dom and plaster expert Rich try to preserve some World War II Polish art before it is lost forever. Meanwhile, David Burville repairs a clockwork ship, and Will gets to grips with shinty.
The team help commemorate the victims of the Lockerbie bombing, automata expert Michael tackles a clockwork train, and Kirsten gets hands-on with medieval slipware pottery.
Will and Dom learn how a devastating fire put a 5,000-year-old craft in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Chris Shaw repairs a Gaelic pipe music book, and Dom has the chance to make his own sporran.
Dom and Lucia help an iconic Glasgow landmark that has lost its lustre, save an endangered Chinese Unicorn, and discover how street art is changing one city before our very eyes.
The team face their quirkiest fix yet – a giant fibreglass cow lantern. Also, luthier Julyan brings a banjolele back to life, and Dom gets a crash course in brilliant cutting.
The boys help save a monument that’s crumbling before their eyes, Will brings a huge drum back to the barn, and Dom gets on the tools with the last scissor-maker in Sheffield.
The team head to Wiltshire to rescue an RAF memorial bench, paper conservator Angie struggles with a challenging Hindu holy book, and Will discovers traditional bee skeps.
The team help a charity get their iconic bus back on the road, Mark Stuckey reaches for the stars, fixing an unusual projector, and Will is wowed by the lost art of encaustic tiles.
The experts race against time to restore a historic carriage before a town procession, a unique musical instrument needs some TLC, and Will gets a makeover at Scotland’s oldest bespoke tailors.
Will Manchester Town Hall’s giant clock prove too big for Steve to handle? Will hears the tragic story behind a fruit machine and discovers the endangered craft of globe-making.
The team help the people trying to save Britain’s oldest wooden ship, a football cap brings back treasured memories, and Lucia sees a complicated wooden puzzle at the V&A Museum.
Will and Dom discover the noble sport of pram racing in Sussex, Kirsten performs emergency surgery on a garden gnome, and science meets art with a pair of neon sign makers.
The team restore some Victorian stage machinery, Suzie hears a story of injustice from apartheid South Africa, and wood lover Will gets to grips with the delicate art of marquetry.