In 1937, the Japanese imperialists launched a brutal war of aggression against China. Xu Tian was a color-blind accountant in Shanghai with military training who decided to stay close to his mother after the death of his father. After an accident involving a group of patriots led by a friend of his late father, he was touched by the patriotic spirit. He used his sharp mind to help the patriots transporting important materials, which also drew the attention of Japanese occupying the city to himself. During this period, he befriended Jin, a conman-turned-businessman and Tielin, a police officer working in the Shanghai French Concession. At the same time, pharmacist Tian Dan rented a room in Xu's house after losing her parents in an incident Xu was deeply involved. On the backdrop of the national crisis, people were living their intertwined lives with their own agenda, be it for revenge, for duty, for self-interest, or for ideology.
1937年,日本帝国主义悍然发动侵华战争,中华民族从此进入了生死存亡的关键时期。连绵三个月的淞沪会战以国军败退黯然落幕,日寇的铁蹄踏碎十里洋场的歌舞梦,各方势力在这座繁华的大都市内激烈角逐、碰撞撕扯,局势动荡不安。在时代的乱流中,小人物徐天(张鲁一 饰)的命运不由自主地发生翻天覆地的改变。徐天原本是一个有色盲缺陷的普通小会计,谁知竟意外卷入了地下党和日寇的火并厮杀中。地下党人为理想捐弃生命的崇高品德感染了徐天,于是他利用自己机敏的头脑协助爱国者运送重要物资。在此期间,他结识了铁林(周一围 饰)、金爷(李天柱 饰)等有着复杂背景的人,更邂逅了恍若仙姝的美丽女子田丹(陶虹 饰)。