Lydia’s mum celebrates her 69th birthday, Gina launches ‘Gina’ the perfume and the ladies get together for a final dinner slash showdown. Pettifleur’s feeling a little unloved after Lydia’s outburst at Glasshouse and meets up with her sister Gillian to try and get things back on track. Meanwhile Lydia still wants PF to attend her mum Lina’s 69th birthday party even though some of the other wives aren’t as welcome. Jackie gives Susie an emotionally charged psychic reading focusing on family past, present and future. Gina’s perfume launch is a moment of nervous pride and delight as friends and family immerse themselves in a cloud of her essence. Pettifleur and Gamble have become unexpected allies after a rocky start but Lydia, sensing her alliances are depleted, seeks an audience with Chyka in the hope of righting things between them. Finally, all the ladies reunite for a last dinner at the Waterfront Port Melbourne. But as often happens with the Real Housewives of Melbourne, the night starts off wonderfully then quickly hits the skids.