On a quiet island in the Florida Keys, a tragic double murder shattered the community. Among the victims was a beloved neighbor and devoted mother, Tara Rosada, who had dreams of a bright future for her family after she finally cut ties with her troubled ex-husband and met a new love, Carlos Ortiz. Florida's most tech-savvy crime scene investigators utilized cutting-edge data forensic techniques to retrieve deleted, buried, and drowned evidence and bring this community justice.
The murder of rising rap superstar XXXTentacion at 20 years old sent shock waves through the hip-hop world, leaving fans and family devastated. Real investigators examine the cutting-edge forensics used to unravel the case, revealing surprising motives. This emotional story intertwines celebrity tragedy with fascinating forensic science.
The brutal murder of generous oil heiress Jill Halliburton Su in her own bathtub left her family and her upscale community in shock. As crime scene detectives investigated her seemingly perfect life, they uncovered dark secrets that challenged everything they thought they knew about the prestigious Halliburton family.
Tragedy struck South Florida after a concerned mother called the local police about her missing daughter who didn't return home from a night out, leading authorities to discover a devastating execution-style murder scene of two young women, Sharon Anderson and Marie Rogers, alongside Miami nightclub owner Butch Casey. And then the discovery of a hidden security camera changes everything.