Tony Harris investigates the sighting of a small, human-like figure in an Indonesian forest alleged to be the mythical Orang Pendek. Also, is a helicopter spotted floating in mid-air proof that levitation is possible?
A large serpent captured on video; several strange rings seen floating in the sky; an infamous lake monster known as the Ogopogo possibly captured on film.
Tony Harris separates the real from the fake in some of the top UFOs caught on camera in recent history. Spanning 70 years, videos range from a bizarre shape caught on camera during a 1950s minor league baseball game, to new videos leaked in 2021 of pyramids apparently stalking US warships, to a UFO that seemingly dives into the ocean and disappears. Harris and a collection of top experts, from national security specialists to physicists, evaluate each video or film. In 2021. a us government report on UFOs made international headlines by admitting UFOs are real. but the big question remains: What are these incredible objects seen throughout history and around the world? This super-sized episode features videos and films deemed highly credible, and now analyzed for the first time.
Could a mysterious creature spotted in an infamous Chinese river be the infamous water dragon? Is a strange, pulsing sound to blame for several soldiers' curious physical ailments? And how on earth did a child miraculously survive a terrifying car crash? Tony Harris and his team examine the evidence and look for proof that these unusual occurrences are exactly as they seem.
Did a Tennessee man capture footage of the infamous Dogman creature without even realizing it? Is it possible to communicate with extraterrestrials ... using just a laser pointer? And could a giant structure at the bottom of a lake be an undersea Stonehenge? Tony and his team of experts examine the evidence to find the truth.
Could a large black creature emerging from a family's toilet be some kind of mythical creature? Is an eerie radio station secretly part of a Russian military plan? And what exactly did an astronaut see out the window while aboard the International Space Station? Tony Harris and his team of experts crack down on these videos to figure out what's really going on.
Could a sword discovered at the bottom of a river really be the famed Excalibur. wielded by King Arthur himself? Did a doorbell cam capture proof that teleportation is actually possible? And is a family being visited by aliens every Independence Day? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues and make a determination about the validity of what we're seeing.
Could a breed of dogs possess the power to completely freeze time? Is invisibility cloaking finally science fact rather than science fiction? And is there evidence that aliens crash landed in Antarctica several millenniums ago? Tony Harris and his team examine the videos and render a verdict on these strange happenings.
Could a petrified creature discovered in Russia be the work of the mythical Baba Yaga? Could this two-headed snake be a genetic experiment gone wrong? And can fire have a mind of its own? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine new videos, photos, and audio recordings and weigh in on what could be behind these unusual events.
Could mysterious lights under the surface of the deepest lake on Earth be connected to extraterrestrial life? Has Bigfoot's call and chatter finally be captured on tape? Could UFOs possibly be as alive as the aliens piloting them? Tony Harris and his team examine the evidence and reveal which of these sightings are truly unexplained.
Could a strange silver object seen in the sky seen over Kansas be a real UFO? Is a sound permeating through the ocean a warning that something bigger lies below? And what accounts for a strange purple beam caught on camera in Alaska? Tony Harris and his team examine the evidence and look for proof that these unusual occurrences aren't exactly as they seem.
Could a bipedal figure crossing a snowy field be the fabled yeti? Is a color-changing orb in the sky another example in a long history of UFOs in Italy? And is a creature peeking around the corner a real life alien encounter? Tony Harris and his team examine the evidence and reveal which of these sightings are truly unexplained.
A sighting of a 30 foot long serpentine sea monster. Is a man from North Korea proving that super soldiers might not be such a cartoonish idea after all? And are recordings of strange howls those of the Wendigo from indigenous American folklore? Tony Harris and his team of experts investigate these claims.
Boaters claim to have captured footage of a real-life cousin to Nessie. Are glowing orbs floating above NYC cause for concern? And how exactly are faces continually showing up on the floor of a home in Spain? Tony Harris and his panel of experts take on these cases and figure out what’s really going on.
Could the remains of a small, human-like creature be the corpse of an alien visitor? Are loud booms plaguing the area of New Jersey actually coming from giants or gods? And what's really behind the deal with those monoliths popping up all over the world in 2020? Tony Harris and his team examine the evidence and reveal which of these sightings are truly unexplained.
Could an unidentified creature washed up on the beach be proof of animal testing at a nearby lab? Is an object seen over the skies of inner Mongolia extraterrestrial in origin? And is a site in the woods evidence of a real UFO crash landing? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine new videos and photographs and reach a verdict on what's behind these strange happenings.
A man believes he recorded bigfoot calls on video while foraging for mushrooms. Are rock paintings discovered in India proof that we've never really ever been alone? And has one of our experts captured a fleet of UFOs on film crossing in front of the sun? Tony and his team of experts are on the case.
What's the truth behind the recent caught on camera sightings of a dreaded Filipino creature known as the Aswang. Is there really a big bad wolf stalking the woods of Saskatchewan? What really happened the night a UFO famously appeared over a hotel in Montreal? And is a saucer like object spotted on the surface of Mars really a UFO crash landing site? Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth.
Did a trail camera in Michigan capture footage of the elusive sasquatch? What caused a large flock of blackbirds to plunge to their death in Mexico? Is a ghostly phantom that seemingly appears out of nowhere and literally walks through traffic confirmation of a Filipino ghost legend? And is a human faced fish in China the product of genetic modification? Tony and his team of experts examine the evidence to find the truth.
Is footage captured by campers at a known Bigfoot hot spot in Northern California the latest evidence that Sasquatch really exists? Did a man in Australia hear the whispers of the dead in an old abandoned gold mine? A Russian Strong Man sticks his neck out on the line when he bends a steel rod with his trachea. And an alleged UFO buzzes a Jet airliner in the skies above Nevada. Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues and make a determination about the validity of what we're seeing.
Are images captured by the International Space Station a sign of an imminent alien invasion? Did kayakers in Washington state encounter a lake monster or something even worse? And are rats joining forces to create Super rat collective? Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth.
Is a witch’s broomstick floating in midair the real deal or just an elaborate Halloween hoax? Are UFOs using volcanoes as hidden bases of operations? Do fossilized footprints found in Texas prove that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together? And what caused gelatinous blobs of rain to fall from the sky? Tony and his team of experts examine the evidence to find the truth.
Is a photo taken in 1965 evidence of the existence of a prehistoric sea monster? How did skydivers survive a death defying jump as their plane stalled out and nearly collided with them? And is a spectral image recorded on a Freighter ship in Somalia proof of a pirate's ghost? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues and make a determination about the validity of what we're seeing.
Gustav, the legendary man-eating crocodile accused of killing hundreds may still be alive. Also, glowing lights spotted in the waters of Mexico may be the latest proof that Unidentified Submersible Objects are for real.
Examining if a video recently presented to Congress by the U.S. Navy proves once and for all that UFOs really exist; examining if the latest alleged Loch Ness monster footage is the most compelling proof of the creature's existence in years.
Is a video showing a strange formation of flickering lights the latest proof that Houston is a UFO hotspot? What is this mysterious humanoid creature caught on camera in an abandoned attic?
What's the truth behind a recent caught on camera sighting of Chupacabra outside of an Amarillo Zoo? Is an aerial photograph taken over Costa Rica the greatest UFO picture ever taken? Are strange sounds recorded on Mars a message from an alien race?
Did a man in Turkey capture footage of alien pilots in a UFO cockpit? What are the strange lights repeatedly spotted over Brown Mountain in North Carolina since before the Civil War? Did an Australian man stumble upon an alien corpse on the sidewalk? And who or what turned these animals to stone? Tony and his team of experts examine the evidence to find the truth.
What is the mysterious sea beast seen from the shore of a small seaside town in the UK? Are summoners able to commune with UFOs? Were a field of massive mysterious jars made by giants? And the ground seems to be breathing. Is the earth alive? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues and make a determination about the validity of what we're seeing.
What is this serpent like creature caught on camera and why does it have green hair? Is the discovery of an ancient antenna found beneath the waters of Antarctica proof that the Nazis once colonized the south pole? Are these large boulders in Death Valley able to move by themselves? And did a man find a gelatinous alien life form on his kitchen floor? Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth.
The latest video leak from the Department of Homeland Security; one of the world's most respected Bigfoot researchers; anachronistic works of art; a lost, sunken city off the coast of Louisiana.
Are the famous glowing lights seen above Marfa, Texas a natural or supernatural phenomenon? What spirit possessed a goat to walk down a street like a human? Are mysterious stone carvings in Japan connected to a legendary close encounter? And how did a woman miraculously survive falling on to the subway track as an oncoming train passes by? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues and make a determination about the validity of what we're seeing.
Scientists study claims of a dead mermaid discovered and preserved in Japan? Are UFOs attracted to our nuclear facilities and should we be worried? What is the glowing eyed sea creature captured on video chasing a motorboat and what are its intentions if it catches up? And is a man who lived alone in the jungle for over a quarter of a century somehow connected to fabled lost city in the Amazon? Tony and his team of experts examine the evidence to find the truth.
Is this home security video proof that UFOs are messing with our technology? Did a species of carnivorous marsupials thought to be long extinct just get caught on camera? Did a visitor at a historic cemetery in Savannah capture home video of a ghost child? And a metal detectorist claims to have recorded the sound a hungry Bigfoot in the Alaskan wilderness. Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth.
Tony Harris separates the real from the fake in some of the most compelling Bigfoot evidence recently captured. Are footprint casts from Mt. St. Helens proof that a massive, undiscovered primate lives in North America? Have a father and son team captured the most convincing footage of Bigfoot since the famous Patterson-Gimlin film, using a thermal imaging camera? Harris and a collection of top researchers, investigators, academics, and scientists, evaluate the latest and most intriguing sounds, photos and videos, to analyze and pass verdicts on their authenticity...
Did a Chilean family photograph a real UFO flying above the Andes Mountains? Is footage of a tall, dark-colored, hairy creature walking through the woods proof the legendary Ohio Grassman exists? Does a huge, 5,000-year-old horn discovered on a beach in England belong to a prehistoric creature that still lives? Scientists and citizens attempt to decipher the mysterious inscription of a sword found in River Witham, Lincolnshire. Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues...
Did a loyal viewer capture an image of an alien probe? What is the identify of a bizarre creature spotted on a driveway camera? Did the legendary Men in Black call a man and threaten him? How did a family survive a bolt of lightning ripping through a car in a Kansas storm? Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth...
A silver orb in the sky, and alleged crash debris may be from a UFO; a 65-year-old-man might have some of the fastest hands in the West; an infamous spy organization's alleged footage of UFOs and aliens.
A photograph of a UFO hovering over Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico; a cabin built in a supposedly anomalous spot that defies gravity in the Redwood Forests; the origin of frightening howls recorded in Witset, British Columbia.
A strange creature is caught on a security camera in Youngstown, Ohio; a Proof viewer might have filmed the infamous Black Knight satellite; the origin of a sound so loud it could be heard over the entire Equatorial Pacific Ocean.
A fisherman may have captured footage of a giant sea serpent; mysterious blue and green flashing lights, witnessed by hundreds of people, in Lubbock, Texas; a centenarian monk trying to mummify himself...
In an all-UFO special, Tony Harris breaks down the latest developments and most compelling photographic evidence in a tumultuous year of UFO revelations. Are the most recent UAP incidents presented to the U.S. Congress proof that UAPS are a threat to national security? Are these UAPS misidentified earthly craft, or genuine UFOs? And has the U.S really recovered alien crash debris? Harris and a collection of top researchers, investigators, academics, and scientists, evaluate the latest alleged UFO images and pass verdicts on their authenticity.
Are reports of a strange swirling vortex with a brilliant white center in the skies over Oklahoma proof of a genuine UFO? Does a video claimed to be discovered sealed in Vatican archives, show a real case of demonic possession? What is the mysterious looking creature discovered by a woman in Russia while wading in the waters in the town of Sosnovy Bor? Do large unidentified footprints found by Alaskan wildlife experts belong to a Yeti? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues and make a determination about the validity of what we're seeing.
What is the odd, worm-like object seen in the sky in a video Tweeted by a Proof viewer? Did an ROV find the remains of a massive skeleton 2700 ft below the surface of the Mediterranean? Why does a building seen in the distance appear to be shrinking as a family drive closer and closer to it? What is causing the banging noises, described as thunderous and even unearthly, that jolts the residents of Thessaloniki awake every night? Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth...
Are black and white photos taken in 1951 proof that a woman in St. Petersburg, Florida spontaneously combusted? What is the brain-numbing noise plaguing Brooklyn residents? Did a woman witness something even scarier than a Chinese Spy Balloon being shot down over Billings, Montana? Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth...
Did a Swedish teenager photograph some of the most convincing UFO evidence ever? Is a video posted online showing a pterodactyl-like creature flying over Idaho the real deal? Why are headless goats repeatedly being dumped in an Atlanta River? Tony and his team of experts examine the evidence to find the truth...
Did a canoer capture footage of the legendary Bigfoot-like Skunk Ape walking in gator infested waters? Is NASA lying to us about the success of our Mars probes and presenting the public with footage that was shot in a remote location in Canada? What is the mysterious transparent so-called Sea Monster recently discovered in Mexico? Tony Harris and his team of experts dive into these claims to find the truth.
Did a filmmaker capture footage of a wooly mammoth crossing a river in Siberia? Is a recording of a long moaning howl proof that Bigfoot lives in Ohio? Is Sophia the talking robot really out to destroy humanity? Tony Harris and his team of experts examine the clues and make a determination about the validity of what we’re seeing.
An Italian reconnaissance pilot may have captured genuine UFO photos in 1979; a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary that allegedly cries and bleeds from the palms of its hands...
Newly found footage from the 1970s may be proof that sasquatch is living in the swamps of Louisiana; the recent trend in flying sphere sightings; a seemingly giant and horrifying creature captured on video, seen attacking and devouring a shark...
The team discuss the teories about the mysterious object flying 35,000 feet over Pakistan to find the truth...
The team discuss about the Chupacabras, evidence about alien civilization and a video of a dozen dinosaur-like running.