Episode 2 of The People’s Cloud. We speak to some of the best Internet infrastructure technicians in the world and ask them to try and explain how the Internet works as concisely as possible. End result? It turns out that the Internet is pretty complicated! Visit thepeoplescloud.org for more information. Directed by Matt Parker Camera by Sebastien Dehesdin Additional Camera by Michael James Lewis Sound Design and Animation by Matt Parker Dubbing Mix by Chris Amblin Working Out The Internet: It's A Volume Game is the second chapter in a six-part series containing interviews, abstractions, recordings and narratives composed in a bid to ask questions around the complexity of media infrastructure. The people interviewed have all kindly volunteered their time to meet and talk with us for many hours. The sites we visited include subsea network nodes, data centres, bitcoin facilities, hydroelectric power stations and super computers. This second episode reveals how once we go beyond the Internet as more than just a Matrix-esque world of zeros and ones, we begin to reveal a set of businesses in constant negotiation over sharing network infrastructure and bandwidth, we begin to realise that there is a precarity to the increasing Internet consumption of our every-day lives. Internet users are at the mercy of current demand, load, power, capacity and human negotiation. As is the case with all of the chapters in this series, the audio and video material is almost entirely captured from the field recording trips. All musical composition or animated abstraction is a result of working with these original source materials in an attempt to rematerialize the internet through audiovisual means. We take the sound of the species as seriously as the visual spectacle and we ask that viewers do the same by listening with good speakers or headphones. The People’s Cloud is an artist documentary series that gets to the bottom of the Internet; investigating the ecology and