Home / Series / The Outer Limits (1995) / Aired Order / Season 5 / Episode 5
Home / Series / The Outer Limits (1995) / DVD Order / Season 5 / Episode 5

The Other Side

Dr. Neal Eberhardt (Ralph Macchio), a former boy genius gone bitterly toseed, studies brain-damaged and comatose patients hoping to learn howthe brain reroutes itself. Despite having a revolutionary new machine towork with - the Neural Intercortex Stimulation Array or NISA - Dr..Eberhardt is getting nowhere. To make matters worse, his valuedassistant Vince Carter has just quit. But suddenly, Neal has abreakthrough. The brain waves of two comatose patients, Adam (AaronSmolinski) and Lisa (Emmanuelle Vaugier), fall into sync while they'rehooked up to the NISA and one of them whispers the other's name. Nealknows he's onto something and tells his boss, Marty Kilgore (MichaelSarrazin). What Neal doesn't know is that Adam and Lisa have landed inan idyllic parallel consciousness and are falling in love. As Adam and Lisaget to know each other, Neal continues his research, joined now by hisex-girlfriend and colleague Janice Claymore (Susannah Hoffman).Desperate to try the technique on other comatose subjects, Neal losespatience and makes the journey himself. After giving himself a calculatedoverdose of Phenobarbital, he hooks himself up to NISA and launcheshimself into Adam and Lisa's world. He catches a glimpse, but he's pulledback at the last minute, leaving him more determined than ever to find away to rescue his patients from the other side. But do they really want tobe rescued? Or is it really Neal that wants to cross over to the other side?

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  • Originally Aired February 19, 1999
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Content Rating United States of America TV-MA
  • Network SYFY
  • Created July 19, 2013 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 19, 2013 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Bruce Lacey Writer
Michael Sarrazin Guest Star
Ralph Macchio Guest Star
Trevor White Guest Star
Susannah Hoffmann Guest Star
Aaron Smolinski Guest Star
Emmanuelle Vaugier Guest Star
Jeff Woolnough Director