U.S. Covid-19 cases continue to rise ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. The tally might see an artificial dip in the next several days, as is typical during major holidays when local outposts temporarily pause reporting. Still, health experts have warned Thanksgiving is likely to be a catalyst for spread. CNBC’s Shep Smith talks to historian Michael Beschloss about the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, when President Woodrow Wilson also had no national strategy to fight the pandemic. Retail analyst Anthony Chukumba says malls will have to learn to adapt or suffer permanent closures. Thousands of inmates scammed $140 million from coronavirus unemployment funds. The Sacramento County district attorney says the scam could end up costing the state up to $1 billion dollars. CNBC’s Aditi Roy joins Shep Smith to report. Plus, how covid is effecting sports and a wildfire in Utah.