• TheTVDB.com Season ID 2115893
  • Created February 4, 2008
  • Modified December 18, 2024
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S02E01 Abominable Showman 30
S02E02 You Ain't Lion 30
S02E03 Strictly for the Birds 30
S02E04 From Bad to Verse 30
S02E05 The Littlest Martian
October 23, 1965
S02E06 The Bear Showoff 30
S02E07 It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Word
October 4, 1965
S02E08 The Pen Game 30
S02E09 Cotton Pickin' Chicken 30
S02E10 Flat Heads
October 7, 1965
S02E11 Bully for You, Curly 30
S02E12 Toys Will Be Toys 30
S02E13 Le' Stoogenaires 30
S02E14 The Men from U.C.L.A. 30
S02E15 The Chicken Delivery Boys
October 26, 1965
S02E16 The Unhaunted House 30
S02E17 Deadbeat Street 30
S02E18 Washout Below 30
S02E19 The Three Marketeers 30
S02E20 The Plumber's Friend 30
S02E21 Rub-a-Dub-Tub 30
S02E22 Waiter Minute 30
S02E23 Chimney Sweeps 30
S02E24 Badmen in the Briny 30
S02E25 Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown 30
S02E26 Pow Wow Row 30
S02E27 There's No Mule Like an Old Mule 30
S02E28 The Mad Mail Mission 30
S02E29 Three for the Road 30
S02E30 Feudin, Fuss'n Hillbully 30
S02E31 Don't Misbehave Indian Brave
October 17, 1965
S02E32 How the West Was Once 30
S02E33 Lastest Gun in the West
October 19, 1965
S02E34 That Little Old Bomb Maker
September 1, 1965
S02E35 Woodsman Bear That Tree
September 2, 1965
S02E36 Let's Shoot the Player Piano Player
September 3, 1965
S02E37 Dentist the Menace
September 4, 1965
S02E38 Safari So Good
September 5, 1965
S02E39 Thimk or Thwim
September 6, 1965

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