All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The New Picture Book Room

    • February 7, 2023

    A new picture book room opens in school, but rough handling by Rockie and her buddies results in toppled bookshelves and books strewn on the floor.

  • S01E02 Rockie Meets the Wolf

    • February 7, 2023

    Rockie wanders into picture-book land, where a wolf disguised as her grandmother schemes to devour her. Educational theme: Generosity and warmth toward others, especially the elderly.

  • S01E03 The Search for Puckoo's Scales

    • February 8, 2023

    Rockie returns from picture-book land with a mysterious fish scale in her hand. The school principal identifies it to be a scale of the mythical multi-colored fish Puckoo. Educational theme: Distinction between right and wrong.

  • S01E04 Curly Climbs the Treasure Tree

    • February 9, 2023

    Curly, an avid collector of treasures, wanders into picture-book land seeking more treasures to add to his collection. Educational theme: Keeping routines and maintaining orderly life.

  • S01E05 Rockie and the Nightingale

    • February 10, 2023

    A nightingale who has lost her singing voice is thrown out by the disappointed king, but when she learns that the king has fallen ill, she returns to him. Educational theme: Sensitivity to the value of life.

  • S01E06 Rockie Goes to the Palace Ball

    • February 11, 2023

    The hall for the palace ball is in a hopeless mess, and the prince is just about to give up preparing for the ball when Rockie wanders in. Educational theme: The value of labor and providing one's labor for others.

  • S01E07 The Mushroom Witch Returns

    • February 11, 2023

    A strange old woman asks Rockie to look for an apple she has lost. When Rockie finds it, the woman rewards her with an apple curiously resembling a mushroom, and Rockie lets her buddy Shelly eat it. Educational theme: Alertness for safety.

  • S01E08 Rocco Plants a Magic Seed

    • February 12, 2023

    Rockie and her baby brother Rocco wander into picture-book land, where a monkey gives them a magic seed to plant. But when a magic tree grows and bears fruits, they find out that the fruits aren't good for eating. Educational theme: Generosity toward natural life.

  • S01E09 Beware of the Gingerbread House

    • February 14, 2023

    Hoppie and her mates make Juras the odd man out, and they wander into picture-book land leaving him behind. When they are captured by the Mushroom Witch, unexpected help comes to them. Educational theme: Keeping good relationships and helping one another.

  • S01E10 A Trip Under the Full Moon

    • February 14, 2023

    As Rockie and her mates get together to revive the mythical fish Puckoo to prevent their picture books from vanishing, they are stymied by Curly, who argues that they have no use for picture books anyway. Educational theme: Appreciating good stories and having clear minds.

  • S01E11 What Are Greetings For?

    • February 15, 2023

    Rockie contemplates what gift she should give her teacher Ms. Hippo on her birthday, but as she gets lost in her thoughts she fails to respond to her buddies greeting her. Educational theme: The merit of greeting each other pleasantly.

  • S01E12 Who's Good at What?

    • February 16, 2023

    Slinky has difficulty playing the recorder, and feels pressured by his schoolmates cheering him on. Crocker feels sympathy for him and provides coaching. Educational theme: Knowing one's own personality and appreciating the differences in strengths and weaknesses among people.

  • S01E13 Strangers and Friends

    • February 17, 2023

    Rockie and her buddies are given an exciting new gadget for talking to strangers far away. But Rockie's conversation with one such stranger leads her to peril. Educational theme: Distinction between right and wrong.

  • S01E14 Is It Fair? Is It Unfair?

    • February 18, 2023

    Rockie, Crocker and Slinky have a race to see which one can pick the most berries from a tree. But Slinky, being the shortest, cannot reach the berries, and claims unfairness. Educational theme: Keeping good relationships and helping each other.

  • S01E15 What Shelly Really Wanted to Say

    • February 18, 2023

    Shelly is delighted when she is given a magical flower with an aroma that allows her to shed her shyness and state her mind. But her suddenly bold manner begins to cause undue friction. Educational theme: Friendship and mutual trust.

  • S01E16 Are We Different? Are We the Same?

    • February 19, 2023

    Fluffy the owl comes to join Rockie's class. But when Hoppie greets her, Fluffy returns it with a head bump. The schoolmates soon learn how there are cultures that are different from theirs. Educational theme: Intercultural understanding and goodwill.

  • S01E17 The Runaway Pencils

    • February 21, 2023

    When Rockie drops and loses one of her pencils, she hardly misses it, but the other pencils feel sad and go on a quest to find their lost sibling. Educational theme: Moderation and temperance.

  • S01E18 The Voice Unheard

    • February 21, 2023

    Crocker's grandmother turns ill after eating a berry that Crocker has found for her, and he is overwhelmed with guilt. Educational theme: Distinction between right and wrong, self-discipline, freedom and responsibility.

  • S01E19 Rapper's Hit Song

    • February 22, 2023

    When Rockie is unable to find a good response to her teacher's question, Rapper teaches her a handy phrase to use in such situations. Rockie starts using the phrase, and soon everyone around her starts using it too. Educational theme: Courtesy.

  • S01E20 Agreeing and Disagreeing

    • February 23, 2023

    Curly proposes to have a relay race during the upcoming class fun day. Shelly opposes the idea, but the relay race is decided on by majority vote. Educational theme: Making the best of school life and group activities.

  • S01E21 All Thanks to You

    • February 23, 2023

    When Curly brings his stone collection to the play group, Crocker comes up with a game to play using the stones, but eventually he begins to unfairly have his own way. Educational theme: Distinction between right and wrong, self-discipline, freedom and responsibility.

  • S01E22 Working It Out with Juras

    • February 23, 2023

    Rockie is paired up with Juras for a play to put on during the school arts day. When Juras fails to learn the script, Rockie shows frustration, and Juras stops coming to school. Educational theme: Justice and fairness.

  • S01E23 Sweet Little Rocco

    • February 23, 2023

    Rocco likes to tag along with his big sister Rockie, but one day Rockie leaves him out from the play group, saying he is too small to join. Then Rocco goes missing. Educational theme: Generosity and sympathy.

  • S01E24 Fun Sounds

    • February 23, 2023

    Rockie is taught by her mother that fun sounds can be found by listening well. She goes out with her buddies to look for fun sounds, and is thrilled at the variety of sounds she hears, such as the flapping of wings and sneezing. Educational theme: The preciousness of life.

  • S01E25 The Day Rockie Was Born

    • February 23, 2023

    It is Rockie's birthday, but she has a brawl with her parents and runs off from home. Her grandmother comes running after her to learn what is bothering her. Educational theme: The preciousness of life.

  • S01E26 The Messenger Birds

    • February 23, 2023

    Rockie and her mates begin using "messenger birds" to send messages to each other, but the flat and unemotional relaying by the birds cause critical misunderstandings. Educational theme: Courtesy and morals in communication.

  • S01E27 Showing of Affection

    • February 24, 2023

    Shelly's mother is always busy running her café. Shelly tries to get her attention by drawing a picture of her, but when her attempt fails, she runs off from home. Educational theme: Having love and gratitude for one's family, and having a fulfilling family life.

  • S01E28 Rockie and the Fibber Flowers

    • February 25, 2023

    When Rockie leaked gas and her buddies hear it, she denies it and pretends that it was someone else. Kapper puts a spell on her that makes a flower grow on her tail each time she tells a lie. Educational theme: Honesty and integrity.

  • S01E29 The Promise with Curly

    • February 25, 2023

    Curly and his schoolmates promise to take care of a rare caterpillar they have found, but Curly's strict diligence comes in conflict with the carefree behavior of his mates. Educational theme: Friendship and mutual trust.

  • S01E30 New Discoveries in a Familiar Place

    • February 26, 2023

    When Rockie goes exploring the Clattery Woods for new discoveries, she encounters the legendary man who had bred edible cactuses, and this makes her feel stronger affection for the familiar woods. Educational theme: Respecting traditions and cultures, loving one's own homeland.