Business is slow and staff morale is low - how are you going to pep up your company? Bring in business psychologist David Taylor to save the day, but beware, what he reveals is more than some advice. When Newcastle based advertising agency Onebestway called in the help of David, they got a lot more than they bargained for. His answer for a flagging business? Get naked of course. The firm had hit a bad patch with a number of redundancies effecting staff, so David's theory to boost morale and encourage more honesty was to encourage the remaining employees to strip off. In an interview with the Telegraph David said: "Inviting an organisation to go naked is the most extreme technique I've used. It may seem weird but it works. It's the ultimate expression of trust in yourself and each other." There was no pressure to go starkers and not all of the staff agreed. However, Sam Jackson was well up for the challenge. She told the Telegraph: "It was brilliant. Now that we've seen each other, there are no barriers." She added: "It was emotional but we found we were much more able to talk to each other honestly - and have been ever since. The company has improved massively." We caught up with marketing director Mark Tinnion about the experience, and when we asked whether the whole thing was a bit nudge nudge wink wink he said: "It wasn't a sexual thing. At no point did it feel like that." So now that Mark has bared all, is he prepared to extend his new found freedom to other areas of his lifestyle? He said: "It was good to break down barriers, but I wouldn't go on holiday to a nudist beach. I'm not sure my wife would like it either!" Mark hasn't seen the final cut and is hoping that the production team have included some strategically placed office furniture to hide his It certainly gives a new meaning to dress down Friday.