Nordfrankreich, 2006. Der fünfjährige Sohn von Tony und Emily Hughes verschwindet während des Familienurlaubs spurlos. Die Polizei startet eine Suchaktion und beordert den erfahrenen Ermittler Julien Baptiste den Fall zu lösen. Ohne Erfolg. Acht Jahre später ist Olivers Verschwinden noch immer nicht geklärt. Aber Tony will immer noch nicht glauben, dass sein Sohn tot ist, und sucht wie besessen weiter. Tatsächlich tauchen neue Hinweise auf.
2006. Tony and Emily Hughes' life changes forever when their five-year-old son Oliver goes missing on a family holiday to France. A huge manhunt led by Julien Baptiste, one of France's finest detectives, is launched. The French police face an uphill struggle in their mission to find the young boy - Oliver seems to have disappeared into thin air. Tony and Emily are in a foreign land - they do not speak the language and do not understand the rules. As their desperation and the profile of the case grows, Tony and Emily find themselves thrown into a media maelstrom, learning the hard way that not everyone they meet is willing to operate in their best interests.
Present day. Eight years on from Oliver's disappearance, the fallout has resulted in the end of Tony and Emily's marriage. Tony refuses to believe that Oliver is dead and doggedly continues his search to find his son. After years of searching, Tony is given new hope when a shred of evidence emerges. This reignites the interest of Julien Baptiste, the lead French detective at the time of the disappearance, who returns to Chalons Du Bois to try and finally get to the bottom of what happened to Oliver Hughes.
Hughesien perheloma Ranskassa saa karmean päätöksen, kun pieni Oliver-poika katoaa jälkiä jättämättä. Vasta vuosien kuluttua löytyy yllättävä johtolanka, joka saa Oliverin isän Tonyn ottamaan yhteyttä katoamista tutkineisiin poliiseihin. Arvoitukseksi jäänyt tapaus on kuitenkin uurtanut syviä haavoja kaikkiin osallisiin.
2006. La vita di Tony e Emily Hughes cambia per sempre quando il loro figlio di 5 anni, Oliver, scompare durante una vacanza di famiglia in Francia.
Oggi. Sono passati otto anni dalla scomparsa di Oliver, che ha avuto come conseguenza nella fine del matrimonio di Tom e Emily. Tony si rifiuta di credere che Oliver sia morto e continua con determinazione la ricerca per trovare suo figlio.
La vida de Tony y Emily Hughes cambia para siempre cuando su pequeño de cinco años, Oliver, desaparece durante unas vacaciones en Francia. Este misterio desatará una obsesiva investigación que durará años.
Tony ve Emily Hughes'un hayatı, beş yaşındaki oğulları Oliver'in, Fransa'da bir aile tatili sırasında gizemli bir şekilde ortadan kaybolmasıyla sonsuza dek değişir ve bu durum yıllarca süren saplantılı bir arayış haline gelir.