Guests: actor Christopher Connelly The Lettermen Former Deputy Special assistant to the President Bruce Herschensohn "Planet of the Apes" makeup artist Dan Striepke and Chimp Marvin the Magnificent and his trainer Bill Hampton. *NOTE: Host Mike Douglas, in Planet of the Apes makeup, strode onstage last week at Philadelphia's KYW-TV studios to tape his daily talk show. His first guest was Trainer Bill Hampton with Marvin the Magnificent, a 100-lb. chimp. To the delight of the audience, Marvin recognized a pal right away. He stroked Mike's unusually pale paw consideringly, then sat back on his haunches and let out a few friendly howls. "The volume could have parted your hair," said Mike later. When Douglas mimicked him and let out a few howls of his own, Marvin stared stonily at his host, then wandered off into the audience. Next thing, he began swinging from the balcony. When Mike remonstrated with him, Marvin merely picked up a TV camera and shook it in Douglas' face as if it were a Br