Guests: boxing great Muhammad Ali actor Theodore Bikel The Family Stone and Congressman Wayne Hays (D-Ohio). Highlights: Sly and the Family Stone perform "Time". *Note: This show ended up being perhaps one of the more intense Mike Douglas ever hosted. The tension started rising when Muhammad Ali, then in training for the George Foreman fight and understandably tense, all but ignored co-host Sly Stone. Sly actually had to raise his voice to get Ali to listen and pay attention to him. Things got even hotter when Ali got into an angry discussion with Congressman Wayne Hays over America's treatment of blacks. Ali ended up calling most of the audience "hypocrites" for disagreeing with his version of American history. During that discussion, Sly Stone tried to be one point, holding Ali and Hays back from each other and saying "let's be happy, let's be happy!."