Da Frankie wegen Umbaus der Praxis zwei Monate arbeitslos ist, nimmt sie an Thanksgiving einen Job in einem historischen Dorf an. Die Familie beschließt daraufhin, Thanksgiving auf den Juni zu verschieben. Eine komische Situation für alle: Axl ist nach Heulen zumute, Sue muss drei Schichten durchgehend im "Spudsy's" schuften und Mike und Brick spielen Poker.
The Hecks agree to forgo Thanksgiving after Frankie finds out that she's out of a job until January and must pick up a holiday position, which requires her to work on Thanksgiving in order to make ends meet. Much to her dismay, she ends up once again having to portray an overworked 19th century woman back at Heritage Village during the Harvest Feast and finds herself going face-to-face with Sheila (Faith Ford), a woman who definitely takes her job too seriously. Meanwhile, Sue goes back to work at Spudsy's over her holiday break in the hopes that she'll once again run into Logan - the dreamy Abercrombie guy, Axl finds himself in foreign territory when he starts becoming emotional over how his life has turned out, and Mike and Brick find themselves needing to find a bonding experience when the electricity goes out at the house and they are forced to interact with each other.
Frankie jää työttömäksi kahden kuukauden ajaksi, koska hänen työpaikkaansa remontoidaan yritysoston takia. Niinpä hän palaa hetkeksi vanhaan työhönsä ja joutuu heti työvuoroon kiitospäiväksi. Sue menee puolestaan töihin Spudsy'siin toivoen, että näkisi samalla Logania. Axl tapaa kavereitaan baarissa, mutta kaikki ei suju suunnitellusti. Mike viihtyy sohvalla katsellen jalkapalloa, ennen kuin sähkökatko iskee lähiseudulle. Niinpä hän päättää opettaa Brickille pokeria.
The Hecks agree to forgo Thanksgiving after Frankie finds out that she's out of a job until January and must pick up a holiday position, which requires her to work on Thanksgiving in order to make ends meet. Much to her dismay, she ends up once again having to portray an overworked 19th century woman back at Heritage Village during the Harvest Feast and finds herself going face-to-face with Sheila (Faith Ford), a woman who definitely takes her job too seriously. Meanwhile, Sue goes back to work at Spudsy's over her holiday break in the hopes that she'll once again run into Logan - the dreamy Abercrombie guy, Axl finds himself in foreign territory when he starts becoming emotional over how his life has turned out, and Mike and Brick find themselves needing to find a bonding experience when the electricity goes out at the house and they are forced to interact with each other.
Хеки переносят День Благодарения. Из-за вынужденного перерыва в работе Фрэнки возвращается на подработку. Сью пытается устроить встречу с Логаном, но никак не может отлучиться с работы в закусочной.
Frankie choca con un compañero de trabajo en su empleo de Acción de gracias. Sue se ofrece a trabajar para ver a un chico que le gusta.
Si avvicina il Ringraziamento, e Frankie rimane senza lavoro. Deciderà di lavorare per la festività e di rimandare la festa del Ringraziamento.
Pour Thanksgiving, Sue espère une pause afin de revoir Logan. Mais personne ne veut la lui accorder. Frankie trouve un travail saisonnier de pionnière mais elle se méprend sur son rôle et elle est furieuse que personne ne lui ait rien dit. Axl et ses anciens amis de lycée ont rendez-vous pour une soirée de retrouvailles, mais Axl en faisant le point sur sa vie , réalise qu'elle n'est pas si bien qu'il l'espérait et finalement, il se surprend à pleurer, ce qui inquiète tout le monde. Quant à Mike, il enseigne le poker à Brick lorsqu'une panne d'électricité se déclare dans le quartier.