CAT1RBC5257-12052022-09012024 Reanimation (Partial) -/- Regret [Email] CAT23RAB2155-10042022-09012024 Transformation (eyes) -/- Trespass [chat log]
CAT3RBC1567-23092022-10012024 Transformation (full) -/- dysmorphic [video call]
CAT2C8175-03042009-22012024 Infection (full body) -/- arboreal [journal entry]
CAT3C7494-19111831-29012024 Collection (blood) -/- musical [letter]
CAT2RB2377-10012023-05022024 Disappearance (undetermined) -/- Invitation [internet blog]
CAT1RB4824-09022024-12022024 Injury (needles) -/- intimidation [999 call]
CAT2RC3338-03022016-12022024 Agglomeration (miscellany) -/- congregation [email]
CAT2RBC3366-12072023-28022024 Architecture (liminal) -/- hunger [coursework]
CAT3RB3354-14101998-08032024 Dice (bone) --/-- fate [Magnus Statement]
CAT1RB2275-06082021-09032024 Mascot (kids) -/- murder [TV interview]
CAT23RC5246-06012020-11032024 Tattoo (corpse) -/- compulsion [email exchange]
CAT1RB4728-09032024-13032024 Mascot (kids) -/- frenzy [insurance claim]
CAT3RB4622-17092023-14032024 Gambling (application) -/- self-destruction [voicemail]
CAT1RB4426-01081995-15032024 Transformation (snake) -/- horde
CAT1RB6451-22062023-22032024 Hunt (aristocratic) -/- compulsion
CAT1RB1565-30102023-25032024 Tattoo (influencer) -/- cardiac
CAT2RC1147-30111997-04042024 Doppelganger (interdimensional) -/- murder
CAT1RC2374-20032024-10042024 Memory (derelict) -/- compulsion
CAT13RBC1137-21031684-11042024 Transformation (canine) -/- growth (Crystalline)
CAT1RAB2534-12042024-12042024 Transformation (tattoo) -/- Social Media (influencer)
CAT2RBC4254-04011998-12042024 Architecture (landmark) -/- corruption (entropy)
CAT13RBC4488-14121924-15042024 Experiment (brain) -/- imprisonment (existential)
CAT13RBC3536-20062018-18042024 Transformation (dysmorphic) -/- doppelganger (infection)
CAT1RBC1375-29022024-23042024 Baby (demonic) --/- Delusion (exhaustion)
CAT2RB2474-07022024-24042024 Food (Gorging) --/- compulsion (disgust)
CAT1RBC4463-14042024-02052024 Exhaustion (athletic) -/- compulsion (tape)
CAT3RB5535-18021845-10052024 Kidnapping (carriage) -/- consumption [letter]
CAT2RB2578-17081998-13052024 Transmutation (human) -/- ceremony (academic)
CAT2RB4254-30012020-13052024 Drowning (subterranean) -/- key (metaphor)
CAT2RS3366-13052024-13052024 Transmutation (human) -/- Isolation (urban)
Prepare your ears for some fluffy-wuffy audio. Unlike previous Magnus Fluff, Protocol Fluff is canonical, so sit back, relax and listen as we go back in time to mark an anniversary or two with Alice and Colin
We imagine a world in which everyone listened to Colin...
Trailer for the second season of the podcast
CAT123RB5555-14052024-14052024 Integration (organic) -/- Computer (Hardware)
CAT2RC1475-18032015-17052024 Building (angry) -/- N/A
CAT2RB2365-14081996-20052024 Transformation (pier) --/- Fear (void)