Home / Series / The Lucy Show / Aired Order / Season 0 / Episode 6

The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour (AKA Mr. and Mrs.)

Lucy stars as herself in a fictional setting, Lucille Ball the star-studio President whom nasty banker-investor Mr. Harvey (Gale Gordon) is trying to force out of her position as production head for reasons not quite clear on the show. Lucy hopes to keep her position by signing Bob Hope to star with her in a new television special and Lucy and Gale traipse all over the world trying to track Hope down. Bob Hope is finally located and signed and the program then switches to the "special" Lucy planned to produce: MR AND MRS. a comedy about an acting couple who are America's favorite TV sweethearts but off-screen a bickering duo. This program seems at times seems an uncomfortable roman a clef about Lucy and her ex-husband Desi Arnaz as the lovebirds bicker, the "hubby" has an apparent wandering eye and most outrageously, it is suggested by the sponsors that the duo have a baby to improve the show's ratings!

  • Originally Aired April 19, 1964
  • Runtime 50 minutes
  • Special Position Airs before season 2, episode 27
  • Network CBS
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Created April 20, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified April 20, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
John Dehner Guest Star
Jack Weston Guest Star
Max Showalter Guest Star
Gale Gordon Guest Star
Bob Hope Guest Star
John Banner Guest Star