In "My Mother, My Chaperone" written by Hai Ackerman, a famous writer (Ms.Palmer) voices displeasure over her daughter (Ms. Alicia) having an affair with a married man (Stevens). In "The Death and Life of Sir Albert Demerest," written by Lan O'Kun, a son (Barton) suddenly learns from his mother (Ms.Dewhurst) that his father (Howard) is a famous actor who drinks too much. In "The Present", written by Howard Albrecnt and Soi Weinstein, a married couple (Ms. Swit and Holahan) learns more about their love when a sexy blonde (Ms. Oxenberg) is on hand for the husband's birthday. In "Welcome Aboard", written by Art Baer and Sol Veinstein, the cruise director (Ms. Klous) discovers that her vindictive ex-husband (Singer) is aboard.