In this episode we explore how the first men arrived on June 6th. Twenty three thousand men landed in Normandy on D-Day by parachute and glider, this is how they did it.
In this episode of The Logistics of D-Day we explore the logistics of close air support, which required new airfields to be constructed rapidly within spitting distance of the front lone.
In the first week of the invasion of western Europe over 55 thousand vehicles came ashore over the beaches of Normandy. Keeping these vehicles fuelled was a massive logistical challenge. In this episode of The Logistics of D-Day, we explore how the Allies managed to keep their war machine marching forward with thousands of tonnes of fuel delivery.
In this episode we explore the extraordinary floating harbours, which were towed across the English Channel on D-Day to keep the Allied front line supplied.
In the final episode of The Logistics of D-Day we explore the extraordinary efforts the allies made to keep the front line supplied.