Experienced lion caregiver, Andi Rive has given herself the challenge of creating her own lion sanctuary. Her first lion, six month old lion cub Mela is sick and her condition worsening. And takes Mela on a long distance trip to get help from a specialist.
A lioness has been confiscated from a Spanish circus and is in urgent need of a home. Andi and her team rush to build her an enclosure in time. Coming from an abusive life behind bars Natacha has never seen another lion and never even walked on grass. How will she react to her new home in Africa? And there's a life and death situation as a local orphanage and animal shelter catches ablaze.
Two male lion cubs are rescued from the hunting industry and delivered to the safety of the sanctuary but their troubled past and relocation seems to seriously affect one of the lions. Andi begins preparations to find companionship for lioness Natacha after becoming concerned about her behavior.
Two lions that have never lived in the company of another lion go into the same enclosure but neither of them are happy. A new lion arrives, he will be the oldest at the sanctuary. Andi has an amazing experience with wild lions at Richard Branson's Private Game Reserve, Ulusaba.
A new lion arrives, the brother of Andi's oldest lion Mandla. But the increase in numbers means Andi needs to look for new food sources and take things into her own hands. And the youngest cubs Sasha and Moya are darted and moved into Natacha's enclosure to provide her companionship. They wake up groggy, with a much bigger lion facing them. Will Natacha accept them? An intruder onto the property puts his life at risk.
Andi rescues the free-spirited lion cub, Carl. It's the dry season and an out of control fire in the surrounding grassland threatens the sanctuary. The team race into action and head out to face the blaze. And a major donation provides more hope for Andi's lions.