Chief Tou Man is angry that the wolf woman Nuomin and legionnaire leader failed to capture Meng Tian. He berates the legionnaire leader, reminding him that he saved the legionaires after they nearly died in the desert. When Nuomin defends him, Chief Tou Man orders her locked up until the legionaire returns with Meng Tian's head. While working with the old soldier in the peach orchard, Meng Tian realizes that the trees bear the names of young men who died fighting the Northern Wolves, including the name their general Li Mu, the Wolf Hunter. In the forest, Xiaoyao Zi tells Ge Nie that Bai Tu is related to the Peasant School, and Tian Zhong was the Net Trap’s agent within the school and is the key to resolving its internal struggles. Wei Zhuang reminds them that Jing Ni is another key, and responsible for Tian Meng's death. As they speculate on Jing Ni's involvement with the Peasant School, Han Xin basses by. He tells them of the encounter occurring between Tian Hu and Gao Jianli before continuing on his way to meet his friend, Zhongli Mei. Back at the lake, Gao Jianli continues his fight with Tian Hu until their most powerful fighter Tian Ci arrives and takes up the fight for the Lieshan Hall.