This episode recaps main elements of the story so far, and with Yue-er wondering about her identity. We see a huge hill-top wall and fortress complex being built by the Qin with forced labour - the beginning of the Great Wall. A huge statue falls during the construction, one of the setbacks bedeviling the project, pushing the deadline back 85 days. The frustrated Yíng Zhèng, Emperor of the Qin Dynasty demands that it be completed in 30 days. Ziming and Ziyu are still in Shanghai and see a procession of 500 Immortal Child Fairies who were allegedly chosen by the Lord in the Clouds/Yun Zhong Jun, the ship's owner, board the floating city, Mirage. Meanwhile Da Tie Chui and Dao Zhi attack a Qin convoy who are disguised as travelling traders. News about the attack travels back to the Emperor's palace and Li Si alleges that there may be a spy within the empire.
秦始皇一边动用无数劳工营造万里长城,一边进行着更为精密的计划。这边由公输家族和阴阳师合作的 “蜃楼”也已经完工,各路力量汇聚桑海城,在海边逗留的天明和项少羽恰巧目睹了五百仙童仙女登上蜃楼的场景。此时机关朱雀为墨家送来张良传递的情报:见龙在田。盗跖和大铁锤根据情报出动,截获了帝国最高级别机密——黑龙卷轴。