Louis Gossett Jr. stars as a cardiologist who, with the aid of a former newspaper man, uncovers corruption in the administration of a large, urban hospital.
A distraught rape victim (Olivia Cole) relies too heavily on Mac for emotional support.
MacArthur St.Clair races against time to save hospital administrator Joe Hamill's ex-wife when respiratory shock transforms her routine surgery into a life-threatening crisis.
When Dr. St. Clair and Joe Hamill find out that the career of a college basketball player has been cut short by a knee injury and that the man is illiterate, they lead an attack against the school officials who allowed it to happen.
Dr. MacArthur St. Clair is sued for malpractice when he volunteers to operate on the wife of a hospital employee and the woman la left partially paralyzed.
A burned-out chaplain (James Stephens) tries to dissuade a dying patient from having a vital operation.
One of Mac's patients "dies", on the operating table, then returns to life, claiming that he has looked down on his own dead body.
A woman suffering from VD causes problems for an Intern who provides her with penicillin, unaware that she is allergic to it.