When Rebecca gets off to a rocky start, Amanda becomes a surprising ally. Noah and Michael try to out-prank each other, while Wilder struggles to master a videogame from 20 years ago.
Rebecca tags along with Noah when he interviews a band's parrot, and while Michael wonders if "nice tie" is sincere or sarcastic, Wilder causes havoc in choosing a mentor.
While Noah and Michael try to bond over sports, Amanda gets a little too involved in Wilder's "Dance Your Socks Off" game.
Noah's cover boy status goes to his head, while Rebecca and Wilder learn about the underground essay market.
Noah and Wilder fight over a hot leather jacket, while Amanda and Rebecca create a TV show and Michael obsesses about his call with a famous pop singer.
After injuring Wilder on a skateboard, Rebecca doesn't seem to be a very good nurse. Amanda botches Noah's interview with a singer and Michael tries to get the perfect paparazzi picture.
Michael and Rebecca try out for the cheerleading team, Wilder and Noah share a locker with disastrous results and Amanda wears orthopedic shoes.
Rebecca and Amanda believe Noah's song is about them, Wilder shows off his dancing styles and Michael discovers that school dances have better gossip than a star filled gala.
Michael is snagged from the magazine to work for Entertainment Wow, Rebecca's goofy dancing is posted on GleeTube and Noah inadvertently steals Wilder's idea for a magazine article.
Michael interviews a TV star for Teen Buzz's first ever webcast, Amanda questions her identity when her favorite designer is no longer considered trendy and Noah teases Wilder about his belief in aliens.
Michael discovers Rebecca's nasty Top Ten List, Noah loses the cover, Amanda loses her fashion story and Wilder spreads a virus across the network.
Rebecca is given more responsibility at work; Wilder blabs the biggest scoop of Michael's career and Amanda becomes Noah's gofer after breaking his guitar.
Teen Buzz is up for a Glimmer Award, Michael needs a new suit, Amanda's in charge of Wilder's behavior and Noah says the wrong thing about Rebecca's dress.