Res Ruthless & Dirty Trixie has a sure fire plan to break up Glorious Gal & Captain California. Trixie asks Cal what he thought about Glorious running for student body president. Rex fires some laughing gas on him to make him laugh! Glorious is upset over his chauvanistic ways that she decides to run against Cal in an election. Things get out of hand & when the polls are closed, each super candidate gets 86 votes! Cal mentions that someone forgot to vote & it was him! So he talks to Glorious saying that he was wrong to laugh @ her, & he makes her the winner! Glorious realizes that she only did it for spite, she turns back the office to Cal. Mr. Samson punishes Rex & Trixie by cleaning the football field!
After Dr. Sivana and Mr. Mind fail to defeat the Marvel Family, Mr. Mind decides it's time to unleash a plot in which he unites all of the earths worms together to destroy the surface world by causing the city to sink.
The Marvel Family are abducted by the Hissmen, which are the evil minions of Ibac. They are sent backwards into time, two-million years into the past, and are transformed into Hissmen.
Black Adam, who was also given Shazam powers by the ancient wizard, returns after five thousand years of imprisonment on the most distant star. Cap, Mary and Junior find themselves up against an enemy with powers as great as their own, but with a little trickery might just be able to beat him.
Black Adam returns, and tries to create a volcanic eruption that will destroy all of North America.
When Miss Grimm is away, Mr. Samson hires Isis to be the substitute teacher! That makes Captain California fall in love with Isis. Glorious Gal & Dirty Trixie work together to make a love potion so that Cal would fall for the first girl he saw. Of course, when it gets sprayed on him, Glorious & Trixie fight to get his attention. But it gets out of hand when he sees Miss Grimm! The girls tell Isis what happened & she breaks the love spell off Captain California.
The alien Star Master threaten the planet Earth, but when the Marvels try to stop him he captures Mary and Jr. Knowing he is outmatched, Captain Marvel gets help from the students of Hero High!